The Department of Educational Psychology (EPSY) addresses themes of cognition, behavior, and emotion within our society by generating research, disseminating knowledge, and preparing a diverse body of scholars who take leadership in their fields while enhancing the development and effective functioning of individuals, schools, and families. We aspire to be regionally, nationally, and internationally recognized for excellence in producing knowledge, providing service, and preparing scholars and professionals who will be leaders within educational and community settings.
Degree programs in educational psychology focus on physical, cognitive, and social-emotional growth and change across the lifespan with regard to developmental norms; investigation of interpersonal relationships both inside and outside the family unit; application of knowledge regarding human development and exceptionalities in the educational environment; research, measurement, statistics, and program evaluation; assessment of individuals in educational settings; and the needs of special populations with regard to education and intervention.
All master’s programs, with the exception of the educational diagnostician concentration, are in an Accelerated Online Program (AOP) format. Courses offered in the Fall and Spring will be taught in eight-week sessions (8W1 or 8W2) each semester. Capstone, internship, and practicum courses, however, will still last the full term. All courses will be online-only.
Admitted students may begin course work in January, March, May, August, or October. Students who follow the approved course sequence for their start date are typically able to complete the degree in four consecutive semesters.