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    Sep 22, 2024  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

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Biological Sciences

  • BIOL 5120 - Environmental Chemistry

    3 hours

    Presents a scientific overview of environmental contaminants, their occurrence, sources and impact on humans and the environment.

    Prerequisite(s): 8 hours of chemistry.

    Meets with BIOL 4120.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5130 - Biostatistics I

    3 hours

    Introduction to statistical methods, experimental design, data presentation and hypothesis testing in biological research. Statistical inference includes tests for normality, skewness, kurtosis, and two-sample data sets for goodness of fit, contingency, means, medians and non-parametric methods. Introduces probability and SAS software.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1100.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5140 - Biostatistics II

    3 hours

    Continuation of Biostatistics I. Statistical methods and experimental designs in biological research. Coverage of parametric and non-parametric correlation, multi-sample inference tests (ANOVA) including one-way, block, nested and factorial designs; multiple range (comparison) analyses; simple linear, non-linear and multiple regressions; ANCOVA. Introduces multiple variable approaches including discriminate, factor and cluster analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1100, BIOL 5130 .

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5150 - Pharmacology: The Biological Basis of Drug Action

    3 hours

    Overview of pharmacology for graduate students, based on principles of drug action. The course emphasizes drugs by class, not specific drugs per se. Course covers general principles, antibiotics and pharmacology of the autonomic, cardiovascular, central nervous and endocrine systems.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5200 - Environmental Health

    3 hours

    Introduction to the environmental determinants of health that focuses on health risks of human-mediated changes to the environment, as well as the regulatory framework that directs decision making on environmental issues. Consideration given to health implications of growing populations, available food quantity and quality, loss of habitat and biodiversity, radiation, toxins in the environment, sanitation, solid and hazardous waste disposal and environmental degradation including noise, air and water pollution.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5220 - Neuropsychopharmacology

    3 hours

    Comprehensive examination of the physiological effects on major psychotropic drug classes that affect the central nervous system, including the interactions between neurotransmitter systems and physiology; neuroanatomical pathways and behavior; synaptic functions and behavioral disorders.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5230 - Physiological Ecology

    4 hours

    Animals live within a diverse array of habitats, each characterized by its own physical and biological constraints varying in intensity, duration and periodicity. In this course, students learn various ways in which animals have evolved to meet these challenges and thrive in the context of their natural environments (biotic and abiotic). Specifically, a survey of the physiological, behavioral and biochemical adaptations of animals to environmental factors, including temperature, oxygen, water, salinity, pH and toxic chemicals are explored.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Meets with BIOL 4030.

    May not be taken for credit if previously taken BIOL 4030 for credit.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5250 - Advanced Human Physiology

    3 hours

    Physiological mechanisms in humans, with emphasis on medical physiology.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5260 - Principles of Evolution

    3 hours

    Genetic, systematic, ecological, historical and geographical concepts of evolution.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5261 - Principles of Evolution Laboratory

    1 hour (0;3)

    Laboratory and discussion exercises focused on topics related to evolutionary biology.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 5260 .

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5270 - Limnology

    4 hours (2;4;1)

    Physical, chemical and biological factors that affect productivity in reservoirs, lakes and ponds. Field studies using current limnological methods and instruments. For biologists, chemists, teachers and sanitarians.

    Prerequisite(s): 12 hours biology or 6 hours biology plus 6 hours of another science.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5280 - Aquatic Botany

    3 hours (2;3)

    Ecology, identification and management of aquatic plants and algae. Special emphasis on the role of aquatic plants in reservoir and river ecosystems.

    Prerequisite(s): 8 hours of biology.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5290 - Marine Biology

    3 hours

    Covers the basics of marine biology with a global approach, using examples from numerous regions and ecosystems worldwide. Highlights interactions of physical and chemical factors and habitat diversity with the biological components of the world’s oceans. Environmental topics such as fisheries, mariculture, pollution and conservation.

    Prerequisite(s): 8 hours each of biology and chemistry.

    Meets with BIOL 4290.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5300 - Physiological Ecology

    3 hours

    Physiological, behavioral and biochemical adaptations of animals to environmental limiting factors, including temperature, oxygen, water, salinity, light and toxic chemicals.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5330 - Developmental Biology

    3 hours

    Mechanisms of development, differentiation, and growth in animals at the molecular, cellular, and genetic levels. Areas of emphasis include transcriptional control mechanisms, embryonic patterning, cell–cell interactions, growth factors and signal transduction, and regulatory hierarchies. Includes the roles that environmental factors play in development, the medical applications of our knowledge of development, and the roles that development plays in evolution.

    Prerequisite(s): 16 hours of biology or consent of department.

    Meets with BIOL 4330.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5340 - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Gene

    3 hours

    Mechanisms and regulation of genetic expression, chromosome replication, mutagenesis and DNA repair, and gene cloning in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems.

    Prerequisite(s): At least one of the following: BIOL 3510/BIOL 3520, BIOL 3451/BIOL 3452, BIOC 3621, BIOC 4540.

    Meets with BIOC 4570/BIOL 4570. Same as BIOC 5340 .

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5370 - General Toxicology

    3 hours

    Introduction to the basic principles of toxicology. Focus on absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of toxicants; target organ toxicity; mechanisms of toxic action; carcinogenesis; and risk assessment.

    Prerequisite(s): 8 hours each of biology and chemistry.

    Meets with BIOL 4370.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5375 - Molecular Toxicology

    3 hours

    In-depth discussion of toxicology at the biochemical and molecular level to include a discussion of a variety of toxic modes of action, modern techniques used in molecular toxicology, and current toxicological research literature. Includes the writing of a mock grant proposal.

    Prerequisite(s): 8 hours each of biology and chemistry.

    Meets with BIOL 4375.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5380 - Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology

    3 hours (2;3)

    Theory and methodologies used by scientists, regulatory agencies and industry to measure the impact of man’s activities on freshwater aquatic ecosystems. The course has its foundations in history, but concentrates on current methodologies and theories.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5400 - Wetland Ecology and Management

    4 hours (3;4)

    Ecology and management of various types of wetlands with emphasis on the role of aquatic and wetland plants in determining wetland structure and function. Wetland restoration and creation for wildlife habitat or water quality benefits are reviewed.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5440 - Stream Ecology

    4 hours (3;4)

    Ecological principles of how stream dynamics influence the biological and hydrologic patterns and processes occurring in stream ecosystems. Laboratory studies designed to teach techniques and to test hypotheses related to environmental assessment.

    Prerequisite(s): 3 hours of ecology.

    Same as BIOL 4440.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5460 - Eukaryotic Genetics

    3 hours

    Research and theory in eukaryotic genetics with an emphasis in metazoan genetic model systems and human genetics, including chromosome structure, genomic analysis, developmental genetics and diseases.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3451, BIOL 3452, BIOL 3510, BIOL 3520. Molecular biology or biochemistry suggested (may be taken concurrently).

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5470 - Laboratory Techniques in Cytology

    1 hour (0;3;1)

    Cytological techniques in plants, animals and humans, including karyotyping, cell and tissue culture, and sex chromatin analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    May be taken with or without BIOL 5490 .

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5490 - Cytology and Cytogenetics

    3 hours

    Cell structure and function in plants and animals with emphasis on genetic and chromosomal aberrations.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5501 - Bacterial Diversity and Physiology

    3 hours

    Comparative survey of bacteria. Growth, ecology, metabolism, energy transformations, differentiation and adaptive mechanisms.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5502 - Bacterial Diversity and Physiology Laboratory

    1 hour

    Isolation of bacteria from nature. Enrichment methods, morphology, enumeration of bacterial growth and enzymes.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 5501  (may be taken concurrently).

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10; Lab (LF): $9.47
  • BIOL 5503 - Plant Physiology and Development

    3 hours

    Plant physiology from the molecular to organismal level with ecosystem considerations. Topics include nutrient acquisition and distribution, biochemistry and metabolism, growth and development.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5505 - Comparative Animal Physiology

    3 hours

    Comparison of structure and physiological function in a wide variety of animals. Emphasis on thermoregulation and on respiratory, circulatory, excretory, endocrine and digestive systems.

    Prerequisite(s): 8 hours of biology.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5520 - Invertebrate Biology

    4 hours (3;3)

    Biology of non-vertebrate animals with emphasis on anatomical, physiological and behavioral adaptations to varied environments and phylogenetic relationship.

    Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of biology.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5570 - Aquatic Insects of North America

    4 hours (3;4)

    Ecology, sampling methods, systematics and classification of Nearctic aquatic insects at the family level; use of keys and key terminology in aquatic insect identification.

    Prerequisite(s): Invertebrate zoology or entomology, or consent of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5580 - Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Laboratory

    2 hours (0;5)

    Experiments in recombinant DNA techniques, gene regulation and other areas of molecular biology.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 5340  or BIOC 5340  (may be taken concurrently).

    Same as BIOC 5580 .

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10; Lab (LF): $9.47
  • BIOL 5701 - Biotechnology and Society

    3 hours

    Survey of major advances in biotechnology. Emphasis on the development of the technology, underlying biological principles, historical context, current practices and societal implication.

    Prerequisite(s): Genetics or biochemistry or consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5720 - Sediment Toxicology

    3 hours

    Mechanisms of contaminant transport and fate in freshwater and marine sediments and pollutant effects at the individual, population and biotic community levels. Sediment contaminant bioavailability and bioaccumulation into food webs and the scientific aspects of legal control and remediation of hazardous sediments.

    Prerequisite(s): One year of chemistry and biology or consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5751 - Neuroscience I: Cells and Circuits

    3 hours

    Neuroscience research strategies, neurons and glia, synaptic transmission, neurotransmitters, developmental brain anatomy, sensory and motor systems.

    Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of biology or consent of department.

    Meets with BIOL 4751.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5752 - Neuroscience II: Brain and Plasticity

    3 hours

    Brain basis of motivation, sex, emotion, sleep, mental illness, memory; plasticity in developing and adult brains.

    Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of biology or consent of department. BIOL 5751  recommended.

    Meets with BIOL 4752.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5760 - Neurobiology Laboratory

    1 hour (0;3)

    Vertebrate neuroanatomy and experimental neurobiology using electrophysiological and behavioral methods.

    Prerequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in BIOL 6460  or consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5800 - Microbial Genetics

    3 hours

    Genetic structure, inheritance and gene expression in microorganisms and their viruses.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5810 - Biocomputing

    3 hours

    Introduction to computational problems inspired by the life sciences and overview of available tools. Methods to compute sequence alignments, regulatory motifs, phylogenetic trees and restriction maps.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Meets with BIOL 4810 and CSCE 4810. Same as CSCE 5810  and MATH 5810 .

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5820 - Computational Epidemiology

    3 hours

    Application of computational methods to problems in the fields of public health. Design and implementation of disease outbreak models.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Meets with BIOL 4820 and CSCE 4820. Same as CSCE 5820 .

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5830 - Advanced Genetics

    3 hours

    Genetic structure and inheritance in viruses, bacteria and higher organisms, including gene biochemistry, gene expression, population genetics, cytogenetics and organelle genetics.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5840 - Medical Genetics and Genetic Counseling

    3 hours

    Human genetics, including cytogenetics, immunogenetics, population genetics, molecular genetics, human biochemical genetics and genetic counseling.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 3350 or equivalent.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5860 - Biological Sciences Seminar Series

    1 hour

    Weekly seminar series covering a broad range of biological research topics. Invited speakers are prominent local, regional or national researchers.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    May be repeated for credit. Pass/no pass only.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5870 - Developmental Integrative Biology Seminar

    1 hour (0;0;1)

    Current research in the field of developmental biology is discussed via an open seminar series. Speakers for the graduate student population as well as leaders in the field give presentations on research topics ranging from organismal to molecular biology.

    Prerequisite(s): Enrolled in graduate school.

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5900 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Independent study or laboratory research for the master’s level. Problem must be approved by the major professor.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    No more than 6 hours can be counted toward a master’s degree.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10; Lab (LF): $9.47
  • BIOL 5910 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Independent study or laboratory research for the master’s level. Problem must be approved by the major professor.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    No more than 6 hours can be counted toward a master’s degree.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10; Lab (LF): $9.47
  • BIOL 5920 - Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis

    3 hours

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5930 - Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis

    3 hours

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 5950 - Master’s Thesis

    3 or 6 hours

    To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate school. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun.

    Prerequisite(s): Approved thesis proposal must be filed with department graduate office prior to enrollment.

    May be repeated for credit.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6010 - Biology Seminar

    1 hour

    Weekly lectures on research in biology and related disciplines.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6070 - Ecology of Benthic Organisms

    4 hours (3;2;1)

    Adaptations, biotic interrelationships and population characteristics of bottom-dwelling aquatic organisms. Field techniques, population analysis and dynamics in both lentic and lotic habitats.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2140 or equivalent, and a minimum of 7 hours advanced or graduate ecology.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6080 - Current Advances in Pharmacology

    3 hours

    Covers the latest advances in pharmacology on a rotating basis, with emphasis on neuropharmacology, autonomic pharmacology and biochemical/molecular pharmacology.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    May be repeated up to a total of three times to cover all aspects.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6200 - Bioinstrumentation and Analytical Techniques

    4 hours (3;0;1)

    Current research instrumentation and techniques in biological sciences.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6240 - Multivariate Biostatistics

    2 hours

    Application of techniques, e.g., multiple regression, discriminate, factor and cluster analyses, to explore multivariable biological and environmental data in a seminar setting. Emphasis is placed on concepts and applications rather than theory and development.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 6620  or graduate-level statistics and familiarity with either SAS or SSPS statistical software.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6320 - Remote Sensing

    4 hours (3;3)

    Theoretical bases and practical aspects of digital remote sensing. Remote sensing technology is reviewed and data analysis techniques are presented. Approaches to the development of a remote sensing project are given. Hands-on experience is provided in the laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): GEOG 5170  is recommended.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6341 - Advanced Environmental Impact Assessment

    3 hours

    Advanced topics in preparing environmental impact assessments and statements by examining deficiencies and inadequacies of environmental assessments and impact statements (i.e., was the analysis adequate), as defined by U.S. District, Appeals and Supreme Court decisions.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 5100  or equivalent.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6390 - Techniques in Environmental Analysis

    4 hours (3;3)

    Theory and application of advanced analytical chemistry techniques for metals and organics in environmental and biological samples. Introduces methods for trace metals analysis and identification, and organics separation and identification techniques. Laboratory teaches state-of-the-art spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 5120  or consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6400 - Ecological Risk Assessment

    3 hours

    Detailed treatment of aquatic and terrestrial methods and procedures used to assess the ecological hazard of chemicals in the environment. Emphasizes quantitative methods in testing site assessment, monitoring procedures, regulatory requirements and field and laboratory techniques useful to assess damage to aquatic, terrestrial and avian resources.

    Prerequisite(s): Ecology, statistics, general chemistry (8 hours), or consent of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6460 - Cellular Neuroscience

    3 hours

    Detailed examination of the nervous system, specifically neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry and sensory transduction.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6480 - Systems Neuroscience

    3 hours

    Detailed examination of the major brain functions, including sensation, perception, movement, emotions, language, thought and memory.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 6460  or equivalent, or consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6500 - Brain Development and Plasticity

    3 hours

    Development of the nervous system from early embryo through adulthood; neurogenesis, cell migration, differentiation, synaptogenesis; similarities among mechanisms of ontogeny, learning and regeneration; emphasis on experimental approaches.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 4750 or BIOL 6480  or equivalent is recommended.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6540 - Neurochemistry

    3 hours

    Chemistry of the nervous system and behavior; pharmacology, anatomy and physiology of neurotransmitter systems; current techniques in neurochemistry and neuropharmacology.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 4750 or BIOL 6460  or equivalent, and one term/semester of undergraduate biochemistry are recommended.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6600 - Advanced Molecular Biology

    3 hours

    Genetic structure and regulation of gene expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms; mechanisms of gene action, gene/enzyme relationships and metabolic control; biochemical manipulation and characterization of genetic macro-molecules.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 4570 or BIOL 5340  or equivalent.

    Same as BIOC 6600 .

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6620 - Advanced Cell Biology

    3 hours

    Structure and function of animal and plant cells with emphasis on cell membranes, cytoplasmic organelles and the nucleus; readings in current literature.

    Prerequisite(s): Biochemistry, BIOL 3510/BIOL 3520 or equivalent, or consent of department.

    Same as BIOC 6620 .

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6700 - Plant Interaction with Environment

    3 hours

    Covers the impact of a variety of environmental factors (e.g., seasons, light, temperature, water availability, pathogens, insects, etc.) on plant growth, development and reproduction, and the mechanism that plants utilize to adjust to stressful conditions. Emphasis on the molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects of plant response to the environment.

    Prerequisite(s): A course in plant biology and a course in biochemistry/molecular biology or equivalent.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6710 - Signaling Mechanism in Plants

    3 hours

    Covers the variety of signaling molecules and mechanisms that plants utilize to facilitate communication at different levels, focusing on the molecular and biochemical basis of plant signaling.

    Prerequisite(s): A course in plant biology & course in biochemistry/molecular biology.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6810 - Advanced Topics in Computational Life Science

    3 hours

    Current research topics related to computational life sciences such as bioinformatics, computational epidemiology and population models.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Same as CSCE 6810 .

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
  • BIOL 6900 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Independent study or laboratory research for doctoral students. Problem must be approved by major professor.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    No more than 6 hours may be counted toward a degree.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10; Lab (LF): $9.47
  • BIOL 6910 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Independent study or laboratory research for doctoral students. Problem must be approved by major professor.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    No more than 6 hours may be counted toward a degree.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10; Lab (LF): $9.47
  • BIOL 6940 - Individual Research

    1–12 hours

    Doctoral research of independent nature.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Number of hours counted toward the PhD determined by major professor and graduate advisory committee. Pass/no pass only.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10; Lab (LF): $9.47
  • BIOL 6950 - Doctoral Dissertation

    3, 6 or 9 hours

    To be scheduled only with consent of department. 12 hours of credit required. No credit assigned until dissertation has been completed and filed with the graduate school. Doctoral students must maintain continuous enrollment in this course subsequent to passing qualifying examination for admission to candidacy.

    Prerequisite(s): Approved dissertation research proposal must be filed with department graduate office prior to registration.

    May be repeated for credit.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10

Biomedical Engineering

  • BMEN 5005 - Neuroengineering

    3 hours

    Contemporary topics in neuroscience and physiology. Topics vary from semester to semester and may include neuro-physiology, computational neuroscience, neurotransmitters, central nervous system trauma.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5007 - Research Methods in Biomedical Engineering

    3 hours

    Begins with an introduction to design of experiments as pertaining to biomedical engineering. Examples discussed include sample size, completely randomized design, mean separation procedures, factorial experiments, etc. Also includes exercises in writing IRB and IACUC protocols for in vivo studies in biomedical engineering. Students are required to read, analyze and present critical findings of classic biomedical engineering research papers from Pubmed/Medline. Students have opportunities to write a well-researched paper and also a research proposal to a funding agency based on requirements for a proposal.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5210 - Biomedical Engineering Laboratory

    2 hours (1;3)

    Laboratory-based course designed to develop hands-on experimental skills relevant to the design and application of biomedical instrumentation. Students are presented with open-ended, real-world, design process starting with the project definition, specification development, management, team interactions and communication, failure and safety criteria, progress reporting, marketing concepts, documentation and technical presentation of the final project outcome.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5280 - AI for Wearables and Healthcare

    3 hours

    Students use machine learning to extract clinically useful signals from wearable devices including inertial sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes. Applications of AI in healthcare as a whole are discussed, with a specific emphasis on wearable devices.


    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5215   or CSCE 5216  or BMEN 5312  or BMEN 5315 .

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70

  • BMEN 5310 - Clinical Instrumentation

    3 hours

    Design and application of medical instruments. Responsibilities, functions, and duties of the hospital-based biomedical engineer, including program organization, management, medical equipment acquisition and use, preventive maintenance and repair, and hospital safety.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5311 - Rehabilitation Engineering

    3 hours

    Surveys the design and application of rehabilitation engineering and assistive technologies in a wide range of applications, including wheeled mobility, ergonomics, seating and positioning, gait analysis and control, and sensory aids, as well as emerging technologies.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5312 - Advanced Signal Processing in Biomedical Engineering

    3 hours

    Provides an overview of advanced topics in biomedical signal processing with an emphasis on practical applications and best practices in industry. Topics include stochastic and adaptive signal processing of biomedical signals such as ECG, EMG and EEG; spectral estimation and signal modeling.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5313 - Bioengineering of Cellular Systems

    3 hours

    Cell-based technologies are emerging to support biomedical applications. By modifying DNA, RNA, proteins, and other biological components, bioengineers have created new cellular behaviors that can be harnessed for disease preventions, diagnostics, and treatments. To continue exploring the use of cell-based approaches for solving biomedical problems, bioengineers are required to gain a molecular understanding on cellular systems. Students learn about how biological pathways have been targeted for engineering new cellular functions, including transcription, translation, post-translational modification, and regulatory mechanisms for controlling these processes. Additionally, course discusses a range of examples on using engineered cells as medical tools for therapies and diagnostics.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Classification

    Meets with BMEN 4313.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5314 - Advanced Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

    3 hours

    Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine provide new therapies for patients with severe injuries or chronic diseases. The successful development of tissue engineered replacements depends on complementary advances in biomedicine, cell biology, material science, and engineering. Comprehensive course designed for graduate level study. Covers the fundamental concepts, multidisciplinary approaches, and clinical applications of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Students gain the fundamental understandings of structure-function relationship in normal and pathological mammalian tissues. Principles of tissue engineering, regenerative medicines, biological mechanisms, experimental, analytical and computational approaches, animal models, as well as their respective clinical applications are integrated to address problems in current tissue regeneration field.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

    Meets with BMEN 4314.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5315 - Computational Methods in Biomedical Engineering

    3 hours (2;3)

    Introduction to practical computational methods for data analysis and simulation of biomedical systems and instrumentation. Topics covered include compartmental modeling, numerical analysis, FEA, and other techniques, as applied to examples from biomechanics, electrophysiology and other areas of biomedical engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

    Meets with BMEN 4310.

    Grad-Track course.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5316 - Biopolymers and Flexible Bioelectronics

    3 hours

    First half introduces biopolymers and covers polymers such as polysaccharides, polypeptides and polynucleotides. Second half talks about flexible bioelectronic devices. Topics covered include wearable electronics, pacemaker, and neural interfaces. The working principle of stimulating and recording bioelectronic devices is discussed on various examples.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate classification

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5317 - Advanced Biotechnology

    3 hours

    Introduction to the development and practical application of biotechnology. Topics covered include biomolecular assay development, protein and oligonucleotide synthesis/engineering, and genetic and cellular engineering. Examples applications encompass diagnostics, therapeutics, industrial chemical synthesis and bioinformatics.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate classification

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5318 - Biomedical Implants

    3 hours

    Comprehensive course covering the essential knowledge in biomedical implants. Goal is providing students with knowledge and skills in understanding the medical needs, engineering principles in implant design, host-implant interaction, engineering restrictions and non-engineering restrictions in design optimization, and implant performance/clinical outcome assessments. Case studies include mechanical, bioprosthetic and transcatheter heart valves, vascular grafts, stents, pacemakers, orthopedic implants, dental implants, etc. Also covers regulatory knowledge such as patent protection, design validation in animal models and clinical trials, IACUC, IRB, Good Manufacture Practice (GMP), and FDA regulations and approvals.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate classification

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5319 - Cardiovascular Fluid Dynamics

    3 hours (2;3)

    Blood flow is essential for normal body function. The dynamics of blood flow and the heart functioning as a pump, are regulated by, and in turn regulate many physiological processes in the human body. Understanding the flow of blood in the human body provides valuable insights into human physiology and the interdependence of various organ systems. Cardiovascular diseases disrupt normal blood flow in the human body, affecting many essential processes and organs (giving rise to a plumbing problem!). Students learn about the nature of blood and regulation of blood flow in normal and diseased situations using fundamental principles including physiology, engineering, analytical and computational models, mechanistic approaches and clinical viewpoints. State-of-the-art therapeutic techniques and medical devices currently used by clinicians for detecting and treating cardiovascular diseases also are discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate classification.

    Meets with BMEN 4319.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5320 - Advanced Biomechanics

    3 hours

    Introduction to solid and orthopedic biomechanical analysis. Involves the study of complex tissues and structures. Emphasis on modeling of bone, soft tissue and FEM.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5321 - Biomaterials Compatibility

    3 hours

    Relevance of mechanical and physical properties to implant selection and design; effect of the body environment on metallic, ceramic and plastic materials; tissue engineering; rejection mechanisms used by the body to maintain homeostasis regulatory requirements.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5322 - Medical Imaging

    3 hours

    Study of the basics of information detection, processing and presentation of medical imaging. An overview of various medical imaging techniques such as CT, MRI and PET.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5323 - Advanced Biomedical Optics

    3 hours

    Principles of optical spectroscopy, including absorption, fluorescence, and scattering spectroscopy; emphasis on understanding how light interacts with biological samples and how these interactions can be optically measured, quantified, and used for medical diagnosis and sensing.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5324 - Applications of Biomedical MEMS

    3 hours

    Addresses advances in the science and technology of miniaturization and its applications in biomedical engineering. Advanced techniques to create submicron electromechanical and fluidic architectures, with hands-on lab practice and software modeling. Different types of lithography methods are presented and different techniques such as chemical etching and reactive ion etching are discussed. Applications in bio micro-electro-mechanical systems (BioMEMS) are also discussed in different subjects, such as biosensor, microfluidics, and BioMEMS for diagnosis and tissue engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): BMEN 3311 and BMEN 3321, or consent of department.

    Meets with BMEN 4320.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5325 - Biomedical Nanotechnology Compatibility

    3 hours

    Provides an overview of structure and functions of DNA, protein and cell, advanced micro-/nanoengineering technology and characterization methods. Also addresses major areas in biomedical sectors, influenced by developments in nanotechnology.

    Prerequisite(s): BMEN 3321 or consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5326 - Biomolecular Engineering

    3 hours

    Engineering biomolecular components provides a means to create novel, programmable functions in cells and other biological systems. These components can be proteins with different biological roles and other macromolecules. The advent of biomolecular engineering leads to emerging strategies of protein design and protein construction. This course discusses these strategies in the aspects of designing macromolecules, generating libraries of these parts, and screening desirable candidates. Additionally, it aims to train students in reading, analyzing, and discussing materials from academic research articles.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate classification; consent of instructor.

    Meets with BMEN 4326.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5330 - Three-Dimensional Bioprinting

    3 hours

    There have been great advances made recently in three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting, which is a robotic additive manufacturing of functional human tissue constructs using living cells and hydrogels, similar to their tissue structure in vivo. Introduction to the basic principles and applications of 3D bioprinting of human cells in biomimetic hydrogels (a.k.a. “bioinks”) to create multicellular tissue constructs used in biomedical and biological research.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate student in BMEN or permission of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5331 - Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine

    3 hours

    Covers the effective design and development of modern medicines. Includes subject-specific content in the area of drug delivery and nanomedicine. Examines current challenges in drug delivery and how advanced formulation designs and nanotechnology can provide opportunities to enhance future treatment. 

    Introduces students the modern drug delivery systems including microparticles, nanoparticles, self-assembling surfaces, and lipid-based drugs, that provide pharmaceutical agents at target tissues, the mechanism of pharmacokinetic regulation, the basics, technology, of controlled released and targeted therapy. Emphasis on understanding the principles of drug delivery systems to improve clinical efficacy as well as to reduce side effects and on realizing the importance of the drug delivery field.

    In the pharmaceutical field, in addition to drug delivery system, provides an understanding of the physiological barriers in the human body as they are critical to developing appropriate controlled release systems. The skin, vascular system, cell membrane, eye and brain blood barrier are of particular importance. Finally, recent advances in genetic engineering, DNA and siRNA delivery systems, and approaches for delivering and stabilizing these molecules will be discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate student in BMEN or consent of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70

  • BMEN 5332 - Soft Robotics in Biomedical Engineering

    3 hours

    Modeling and analysis of Soft Actuators, Soft Materials, soft Sensors and their application in rehabilitation and wearable technologies.


    Prerequisite(s): Graduate student in BMEN or consent of instructor.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70

  • BMEN 5700 - Introduction to Statistical Genetics

    3 hours

    Introductory course for graduate students in statistics, biology, bioinformatics and other disciplines which covers statistical methods for the analysis of family and population based genetic data. Topics covered include allele frequency estimation, linkage analysis, family-based and population-based association analysis, DNA-seq and RNA-seq analysis. Students are exposed to the latest statistical methodology and computer tools on gene mapping in complex human disease. Students also read and evaluate current statistical human genetics literature.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5800 - Topics in Biomedical Engineering

    3 hours

    Selected topics of contemporary interest in biomedical engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5810 - Topics in Biomedical Engineering

    3 hours

    Selected topics of contemporary interest in biomedical engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5890 - Directed Study in Biomedical Engineering

    1–3 hours

    Study by individuals or small groups. Plan of study must be approved by supervising faculty. Written report is required.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    May be repeated for credit for a maximum of 6 hours.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5900 - Special Problems in Biomedical Engineering

    1–6 hours

    Special problems in biomedical engineering for graduate students only.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of student’s supervisor and/or consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70
  • BMEN 5910 - Special Problems in Biomedical Engineering

    1–6 hours

    Special problems in biomedical engineering for graduate students only.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of student’s supervisor and/or consent of department.

    Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory):
    Academic (AF) per hour: $73.70

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