Supplemental information
Completion of the University Core Curriculum (required):
See University Core Curriculum requirements . Some courses required on degree plans may be used to fulfill requirements under Communication, Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences, American History, Government/Political Science, Creative Arts, Language, Philosophy and Culture, Social and Behavioral Sciences and Core Option (Component Area Option) Courses.
- Communication (6) — ENGL 1310 and ENGL 1320 recommended.
- Mathematics (3) — MATH 1580 recommended.
- Life and Physical Sciences (6) — met by PHYS 1270 and an additional laboratory science course.
- Language, Philosophy and Culture (3) — met by MUET 3030 .
- American History (6) — met by HIST 2610 and HIST 2620 .
- Government/Political Science (6) — met by PSCI 2305 and PSCI 2306 .
- Creative Arts (3) — met by MUET 3060 .
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (3).
- Core Option/Component Area Option Courses (6) — met by MUJS 3070 and MUMH 3520 .
- Proficiency examinations (required):
- Piano Proficiency Examination.
- Successful completion of the Upper Division Examination in applied lessons (MUAC and MUAM).
Africana Studies certificate (required):
The following courses, which are required for the Bachelor of Music in jazz studies, also meet the criteria for the Africana studies certificate offered through the Department of History :
Therefore, by virtue of completing the requirements for the jazz studies, BM, students will also receive the Africana studies certificate from the Department of History.
Commercial Music minor (optional):
The structure of the jazz studies, BM, allows students to complete the commercial music minor (18 hours) without exceeding the 129 degree hours. The minor is optional but can be pursued within the jazz studies, BM, in the following manner:
- Complete MUAE 3100 - Fundamentals of Digital Audio Workstations (required for the Jazz Studies, BM)
- Use the 9 elective hours within the jazz studies, BM, to complete 3 of the required courses for the commercial music minor:
- Enroll in at least 3 hours of MULB 1819 - Commercial Music Laboratory (counts towards required 8 hours of MULB credit)
- Students may substitute the jazz studies, BM, capstone requirement (MUJS 4720 ) for the commercial music minor capstone ( MUAE 4500 ) with approval of the commercial music minor supervisor and the major professor in the Division of Jazz Studies. Students pursuing this substitution will be required to create a solo album or EP as part of MUJS 4720 , either in lieu of or in addition to a live recital.