Mar 12, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Actuarial Science certificate
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Students interested in this interdisciplinary certificate program should contact the Undergraduate Advisor of the Department of Mathematics .
Requirements for admission to program
Certificate requirements
This certificate requires 18 hours of courses in one of the following two tracks: Math major track
Students whose only major is mathematics and who wish to earn a certificate in actuarial science must complete: Plus three courses selected from Note: Students whose only major is mathematics may not apply mathematics courses toward this certificate. Actuarial certificate students who are math majors should take MATH 3350 , MATH 3410 , MATH 3740 , MATH 4610 and MATH 4650 as part of the requirements for the math major. Non-math major track
Students whose degree program includes a major other than mathematics and who wish to earn a certificate in actuarial science must complete: Plus two courses selected from
Preparation for actuarial exams
This program should prepare students for the preliminary actuarial exams, as follows: a. Actuarial Exam 1/P
Students are encouraged to take MATH 4610 and attempt Exam 1/P before the end of the junior year. c. VEE (Validation by Educational Experience)–Economics
d. VEE–Applied Statistical Methods
Additional information
- Students are also encouraged to seek internships that may be pursued in conjunction with RMIN 4800 . For more information on obtaining internships, feel free to contact the UNT Internships Office (Chestnut Hall 155, 565-2861, internships.unt.edu, internships@unt.edu).
- Students are encouraged to participate in the Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS), an international risk management, insurance, and actuarial science fraternity.
- More information about the actuarial exams, the VEE requirements, careers in actuarial science and internship opportunities may be found at www.beanactuary.org, www.soa.org and www.casact.org.
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