Dr. Liam O’Neill – Health Services Administration Program Coordinator
The Master of Science with a major in health services administration offers the opportunity for graduates to assume leadership roles in healthcare delivery settings that serve a larger spectrum of the population. The program is a skills-based graduate program focused on the development and practical application of all the leadership skills essential to health services administrators in today’s competitive marketplace.
The Master of Science in health services administration is designed to provide a broad foundation in health care delivery systems; management strategies; ethical and legal issues in the healthcare environment; the role of information systems and technology in high-quality and efficient care delivery; marketing health services; and in the principles of solid financial management. The 13 core courses in the program encompass the foundation of health services administration and is based on a model of 26 specific leadership competencies identified by the National Center for Healthcare Leadership. Each of the core courses in the program has an applied project or paper that provides the opportunity to practice and extend these essential management skills under faculty supervision.