Admission requirements
Interior design undergraduate majors at UNT must have completed at least 75 credit hours of undergraduate course work or the equivalent before applying for admission to the grad track option. Other admission requirements include:
- an official transcript
- statement of purpose articulating a topic of sustainable design project/research interest and future career goals upon completion of the master’s degree
- two letters of recommendation from program faculty members in the major area attesting to the student’s ability to successfully engage in graduate level course work
- a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, with a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the following courses:
Students must also meet all admission criteria established by the Toulouse Graduate School, with the exception of completion of the baccalaureate degree.
The student’s application will be reviewed by the entire Interior Design faculty.
Program policies
The student admitted to the grad track option will be admitted into the MA program on a conditional basis. Once the student has satisfied all course work for the BFA degree and maintained a 3.5 or higher GPA, they will be fully admitted to the MA program.
Undergraduate students who have been accepted to the grad track option must complete all of their bachelor’s degree requirements within 12 months of the first day of the semester in which they start taking graduate courses, or enrollment in graduate level course work will be suspended.
The grad track student must enroll in graduate school in the first long semester following the completion of the BFA degree. If the student fails to enroll in the first long semester upon completion of the BFA degree, the graduate course credit hours taken during the undergraduate degree will not apply to the MA degree, even if the student returns to graduate school in the future. Once enrolled in the MA program, grad track students must complete the MA degree in the following year(s) to complete his or her MA degree with a concentration in interior design for sustainability.
Grad track students will not be eligible for most graduate prerequisites including teaching and research assistantships and related health insurance, financial aid, or graduate award programs until the undergraduate degree is completed and the student is officially accepted as a graduate student.