2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Department of Anthropology
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Main Office
Sycamore Hall, Room 119A
Mailing address:
1155 Union Circle #310409
Denton, TX 76203-5017
E-mail: anthropology@unt.edu
Web site: anthropology.unt.edu
Lisa Henry, Chair
The Department of Anthropology offers a Bachelor of Arts with a major in anthropology for those who wish to pursue a career in the discipline of anthropology, for those simply interested in the human condition and for those who may wish to combine the study of anthropology with another discipline.
Marketable skills for this degree include interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skill areas, that are valued by employers, and are primary or complementary to the major. The marketable skills goal was designed to help students articulate their skills to employers. UNT’s marketable skills were faculty-developed and approved by employers or discipline-specific agencies, e.g., internship providers, chambers of commerce, workforce development boards, and other workforce-related entities. For information on these marketable skills - https://vpaa.unt.edu/thecb/class.
We also offer a number of courses which satisfy breadth requirements for other majors. Anthropology’s focus on understanding cultural diversity makes it a useful subject for people planning careers in areas such as education, business, medicine, and law.
Anthropology majors at UNT receive a broad range of training in theory and methodology: ethnography, in-depth interviewing, survey research and quantitative analysis. Courses require intensive writing, and all students are encouraged to become proficient in a second language. UNT places emphasis on training students in the application of anthropological knowledge in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, in local, regional and international arenas. Students are encouraged to travel abroad and often get hands-on experience while working in UNT’s international field schools.
ProgramsMajorsMinorsUndergraduate Academic CertificatesCoursesAnthropology
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