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    Feb 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic policies

Academic standing

Grades and grading policies

Academic records policies

Academic standing

Academic status

This term is used as an indication of a student’s academic standing with the university.

Academic standards

Students must achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average, referred to as the minimum UNT-CGPA requirement, to remain in good academic standing. At the end of the first term of enrollment at UNT, the minimum UNT-CGPA requirement is 1.8. In each subsequent term of enrollment, the minimum UNT-CGPA requirement is 2.0.

The UNT-CGPA upon which academic standards are based is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned in residence at UNT by the total number of semester credit hours (SCH) attempted in residence at UNT. Excluded in this calculation are all courses in which the student received grades of NP, NPR, P, PR, W, Z or I. The cumulative grade point average as defined here is used only for determining a student’s academic status and is not necessarily related to the grade point average that governs eligibility for graduation.

In calculating grade points, grades count as follows: A = 4 points per semester credit hour, B = 3 points, C = 2 points, D = 1 point, F = 0 points.

Classification for the purpose of establishing the academic standing of the student is determined by the sum of all hours attempted in residence in regularly graded courses at UNT, hours passed in pass/no pass graded courses at UNT, and hours transferred from other institutions. Not included in the definition of student classification for academic standards are hours granted by the university for extension, service experience, advanced placement, credit by examination, CLEP or transfer hours attempted but not passed or accepted by the university for academic credit.

A student is placed on academic alert or academic probation at the end of any enrollment period in which the UNT-CGPA on work attempted in residence at this university does not equal or exceed the minimum UNT-CGPA requirement.

Good academic standing

This term refers to the academic status students maintain when achieving the minimum CGPA requirement after each term of enrollment at UNT.

Minimum CGPA requirement

This term refers to the minimum cumulative grade point average a student must achieve to remain in good academic standing. At the end of the first term of enrollment at UNT, the minimum CGPA requirement is 1.8. In each subsequent term of enrollment, the minimum CGPA requirement is 2.0.

Academic alert

A freshman or first time in college (FTIC) in their first semester at UNT is placed on academic alert if the CGPA achieved for a term falls below the minimum CGPA requirement. To be removed from academic alert, the student must raise the CGPA to a minimum of 2.0 during the next period of enrollment. A student on academic alert who does not raise the CGPA to at least a minimum of 2.0 at the end of the next term/semester of enrollment is placed on academic probation.

Regulations governing students on academic alert

A freshman or a first time in college (FTIC) student in their first term/semester at UNT is placed on academic alert the first term/semester if the CGPA drops below the minimum CGPA requirement. To be removed from academic alert, the student must raise the CGPA to a minimum of 2.0 during the next period of enrollment.

A student on academic alert who does not raise the CGPA to at least a minimum of 2.0 at the end of the next term/semester of enrollment is placed on academic probation.

Academic probation

A student who is not classified as a freshman, or a student who is currently or has been on academic alert, is placed on academic probation at the end of any enrollment period in which the CGPA drops below the minimum CGPA requirement.

Regulations governing students on academic probation

A student who is not classified as a freshman, or a student who is currently or has been on academic alert, is placed on academic probation at the end of any enrollment period in which the CGPA drops below the minimum CGPA requirement.

A student remains on academic probation at the end of any enrollment period in which the student earns at least a 2.25 GPA but does not achieve a 2.0 CGPA.

A student remains on academic probation during any summer enrollment in which the student fails to raise the CGPA to a 2.0.

A student who, during a probationary fall or spring term/semester, fails to raise the CGPA to a 2.0, or who fails to make at least a 2.25 GPA for the term/semester, is automatically suspended from UNT for one or more long terms/semesters. (See “Regulations Governing Students Under Academic Suspension.”)

The electronic grade report, available online at at the end of each term/semester, includes a statement of academic status and a CGPA summary on which the status is based. Each student is responsible for knowing whether the minimum CGPA has been achieved and whether they are eligible to re-enroll or remain enrolled in the university. Any student enrolled when ineligible will be withdrawn by the Registrar, and no special consideration will be given to such student on a plea of ignorance of academic status. If the cumulative record is believed incorrect, the student should contact the Registrar’s Office.

Academic suspension

A student who, during a probationary fall or spring term/semester, fails to raise the CGPA to a 2.0, or who fails to make at least a 2.25 for the term/semester, is automatically suspended from UNT for one or more long terms/semesters.

Regulations governing students under academic suspension

A student who is suspended from the university for failure to meet the standards prescribed in the “Regulations Governing Students on Academic Probation” is prohibited from re-enrolling for the following long term(s)/semester(s) as outlined below:

  First suspension: One long term/semester
  Second suspension: Two long terms/semesters
  Third suspension: Indefinite

A student who has been suspended for an indefinite period may request, at the end of two calendar years from the time of the suspension, a review of the case by the appropriate academic dean.

Each student is responsible for knowing the minimum CGPA requirements and the standards for academic standing. Any ineligible student who enrolls during a long term/semester will be withdrawn by the Registrar, regardless of whether the student has registered or pre-registered and paid fees. The student should be aware that course work taken at another institution while the student is suspended from the University of North Texas may not apply to a degree.

A student who has been suspended from the University of North Texas re-enters on academic probation. A student under academic suspension may attend the UNT summer enrollment periods with the approval of their college or school. Students should contact the academic advising office to request approval for summer enrollment. If, at the end of the summer enrollment period, a student raises the CGPA to a minimum of 2.0, the student will be reinstated in good academic standing.

Academic standards for transfer students

Transfer students admitted to UNT are subject to minimum academic requirements. Thus, if at the end of the first enrollment period a transfer student’s grade point average on all work attempted at UNT does not meet the minimum CGPA requirement, the student will be placed on academic alert or academic probation for the next period of enrollment and the Regulations Governing Students on Academic Alert or Academic Probation will apply.

Additional information concerning academic status is available from the offices of the academic deans or the Registrar’s Office.

Effects of withdrawal on academic status

Any student who withdraws from UNT at least two weeks before the first day of final exams for long terms/semesters or the equivalent dates for 8 week and summer sessions is given grades of W and is not penalized with a reduced CGPA. A student who does not officially withdraw from the university is held responsible for grades of F and is placed on probation or suspended from the university if the grades of F bring the CGPA below the minimum required. For official dates and deadlines for withdrawal, visit the Academic Calendar .

Dean’s list and president’s list

Students completing at least 12 hours of class work in regularly graded courses taken in residence during the long session with a UNT term grade point average of 4.0 are eligible for recognition on the president’s list. Students with a UNT term grade point average of 3.5 or above are eligible for recognition on the dean’s list. Students are notified of this recognition by the president or the appropriate academic dean.

Classification of students

Students are classified on the basis of term/semester hours passed. Semester hours passed are computed by adding transfer hours accepted, pass/no pass hours passed, graded hours passed and non-traditional credit accepted at UNT.

Undergraduate classifications are: freshmen, those who have completed less than 30 semester hours of college credit; sophomores, 30 to 59 hours completed; juniors, 60 to 89 hours completed; seniors, 90 or more hours completed but who have not received a bachelor’s degree. Graduate students are those who have graduated with a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.

Grades and grading policies

Grading system

UNT’s grading system uses the letters A, B, C, D, F, P, NP, NPR, I, PR and W. The letter Z is used to indicate that a grade was not properly received and/or recorded for a course.

A excellent work, four grade points for each semester hour.
B good work, three grade points for each semester hour.
C fair work, two grade points for each semester hour.
D passing work, one grade point for each semester hour.
F failure; given when a student (1) has failed the course while still officially enrolled at the end of the term/semester; (2) is failing a course and misses the final examination without satisfactory explanation; or (3) stops attending class without processing an official drop or withdrawal.
P passed; a credit grade (1) on pass/no pass option, (2) on student teaching, and (3) in selected undergraduate and graduate individual problems, research, thesis and dissertation courses.
NP not passed; a failing grade on the pass/no pass option; non-punitive.
I I is a non-punitive grade given only during the last one-fourth of a term/semester and only if a student (1) is passing the course and (2) has justifiable and documented reason, beyond the control of the student (such as serious illness or military service), for not completing the work on schedule. The student must arrange with the instructor to finish the course at a later date by completing specific requirements. These requirements must be listed on a Request for Grade of Incomplete form signed by the instructor, student and department chair and must be entered on the grade roster by the instructor. Grades of I assigned to an undergraduate course at the end of the Fall 2007 semester and later will default to F unless the instructor has designated a different automatic grade. See also “Removal of I” policy in the Academics section of this catalog. 
PR assigned at the close of each semester of summer term in which the graduate student is enrolled in thesis (5950) or dissertation (6950). No credit hours are shown when the grade of PR is assigned. When thesis or dissertation has been completed and submitted to the graduate dean, appropriate grades and credit hours will be shown on the student’s record for the required number of enrollments.
NPR used to indicate no progress on thesis or dissertation courses numbered 5950 and 6950, 6951, 6952, 6953 or 6954 in a given term; non-punitive. No credit hours are earned when the grade of NPR is assigned.
W drop or withdrawal without penalty. Given when a student drops or withdraws from the university prior to the designated day of a given semester’s 10th week of class for the long terms/semesters or corresponding dates for 8 week and summer sessions (specific dates are published in the online Academic Calendar ). See regulations for dropping and withdrawing.

Note: No grade points are allowed for grades F, I, NP, NPR, P, PR, W, or Z. (Use of WF grade was discontinued fall 2018.)

A complete record of all previously used grades and grading systems is detailed on the official transcript.

Pass/no pass option

Undergraduate Students

An incoming freshman or any undergraduate in good standing with a C average or better on all work attempted in residence at UNT may schedule one course a term/semester on the pass/no pass option. Seniors may elect more than one pass/no pass course during their final term/semester.

A maximum of 18 semester hours of credit under the pass/no pass option may be applied toward the bachelor’s degree. Only courses counted as electives on the student’s degree plan may be scheduled under the pass/no pass option. These hours are not used in calculating the grade point average, but count as full credit.

A grade of D or better will be shown as a P. If the course is not passed, the record will show NP and the hours attempted will not be used in calculating the grade point average.

A student may change to the pass/no pass option in the office of their academic dean/advisor any time before the end of the sixth week of class, or the corresponding point of a summer session, provided eligibility requirements above are met.

Courses taken under the regular grading system may not be repeated as pass/no pass courses unless a grade of W was previously received.

A student who changes majors is not automatically denied credit for a pass/no pass course that becomes a degree audit requirement for the new major. The decision is made by the academic dean of the new department. However, under no circumstances is a grade of P changed to a letter grade.

Transfer students have the same pass/no pass privileges and restrictions, but they must pass 30 semester hours of regularly graded courses at UNT to be eligible for graduation.

Graduate students

Graduate students may enroll under the pass/no pass option only for undergraduate courses that are not required as a deficiency makeup or as a graduate degree requirement.

Courses automatically graded pass/no pass

Certain graduate-level individual instruction courses will be graded pass/no pass when classes are taught on campus in those departments whose faculty have voted for the use of this grading system for individual instruction.

Grade point averages

Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA)

Includes transfer and University of North Texas attempted hours.

University of North Texas Cumulative GPA (UNT-CGPA)

Includes attempted hours at the University of North Texas.

The overall grade point average (OGPA) is used to determine student class loads, eligibility for admission to the university and certain programs, eligibility for graduation, and for calculating honors for graduation. All GPA calculations are subject to post-audit and correction by the Registrar’s Office.

The GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. The number of semester hours attempted includes all courses with grades of A, B, C, D, and F unless replaced by a later grade. Courses with grades of I, NP, NPR, P, PR, W or Z are not counted as courses attempted.

Cumulative grade point average

The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) upon which academic standards are based is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned in residence at UNT by the total number of semester credit hours (SCH) attempted in residence at UNT.

Not included in the definition of student classification for academic standards are hours granted by this university for extension courses, service experience, advanced placement, credit by examination, CLEP or transfer hours attempted but not passed.

Excluded from the calculation of the CGPA are all courses in which the student received grades of I, NP, NPR, P, PR, W or Z.

The cumulative grade point average as defined here is used only for determining a student’s academic status and is not necessarily related to the grade point average that governs eligibility for graduation or graduating with honors.

Course duplications

A student may take a course a second or subsequent time. The Registrar’s Office will post duplications at the request of the student, at the request of an academic advisor or upon review of the student’s record. Once a duplication of a UNT course is posted by the Registrar’s Office, the first instance of the UNT course will be excluded from the student’s UNT-CGPA, cumulative record of hours attempted and grade points earned. The Registrar includes without exception any course repeated more than once in the student’s UNT cumulative record of hours attempted and grade points earned. Departments may count the highest grade for departmental GPA requirements; however, the academic dean uses only the last grade recorded in certifying the student’s eligibility for graduation.

Undergraduate students who enroll in the same course more than twice may be charged additional tuition amounts.

Academic status changes due to course duplications

A student request for the recording of a course duplication made before or on the last class day of any term or session will be reflected in the hours attempted and grade points earned at the beginning of the term/semester or session.

If a student who is on academic alert or academic probation requests the recording of course duplications, and the resulting adjusted CGPA equals or exceeds the minimum CGPA requirement, the academic alert or probation status will be removed if the student notifies the Registrar’s Office on or before the last class day for that term/semester or session. Otherwise, the student will remain on academic alert or probation for that enrollment period and be subject to attendant penalties.

If a student is suspended at the end of a term/semester during which the student has repeated a course and the posting of that duplication will result in a CGPA that would have been sufficient to be continued on probation at the end of that term/semester (or to be cleared), the student will be reinstated if the student requests the duplication and applies for reinstatement at the Registrar’s Office. The delayed posting of course duplications completed during prior enrollment periods cannot be used as a basis for altering suspension history or reinstating lost registration schedules.

Courses duplicated Fall 2005 and later will result in a re-evaluation of a student’s suspension history beginning with the term that the duplication was completed. The delayed processing of course duplications and updating of suspension history cannot be used as justification for reinstating lost registration schedules.

Grade reports

The electronic grade report and academic standing are available online at at the close of each term/semester. If the grade report or the academic standing is believed to be in error, the student should contact the Registrar’s Office within 30 days following the first class day of the succeeding term/semester.

At mid-term/semester in the long session, instructors may provide individual written warnings to students who are doing unsatisfactory class work. These warnings are mailed from the Registrar’s Office upon request by the instructor.

Grade books

University policy requires that grade books be retained by the departmental chair for five years.

Grade changes

No grade except I may be removed from a student’s record once properly recorded. Changes are not permitted after grades have been filed except to correct clerical errors.

Requests for error correction must be initiated immediately after the close of the term/semester for which the grade was recorded.

A faculty member who believes an error has been made in calculating or recording a grade may submit in person a request for a grade change to the department chair and the appropriate dean. The Registrar accepts requests for grade changes only from the academic deans.

Removal of I

A student may remove a grade of I within one year by completing the stipulated work. After the student completes the stipulated work, the instructor records the final grade on a UNT Grade Change Form and obtains the department chair’s signature. The instructor’s academic dean completes processing with the Registrar’s Office, where the grade point average is adjusted accordingly. For undergraduate courses taken Fall 2007 or later, if a student does not complete the stipulated work within the time specified, the grade of I will default to F unless the instructor has designated a different automatic grade. The GPA is adjusted accordingly, and the student will be subject to academic penalty should any exist.

Grade appeals procedure

Grounds for appeal

A student may appeal a grade when the student believes the:

  1. grade was base on unfair treatment;
  2. instructor departed from standards set out in the course syllabus without a rational academic reason; or
  3. an error was made in calculating the grade, including failure to factor an assignment, project, quiz or examination.

If the student believes that the grade was assigned due to discrimination or sexual harassment, the student must report this belief to the Office of Equal Opportunity. That allegation must be resolved through the UNT Resolution Procedures for Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation, before the appeal can proceed. Change of a grade due to violations of academic integrity cannot be appealed through this process.

Time limits and procedures for appeal and resolution

The grade appeal should be resolved within a maximum of 13 weeks after the semester in which the grade was officially posted. Under extraordinary circumstances, the unit administrator may grant an extension of any time limits identified in this policy. In cases where the student alleges that the final grade was assigned due to discrimination or sexual harassment, the initiation of the appeal process described herein will be delayed until the conclusion of investigative processes in the Office of Equal Opportunity.

  1. Consultation with the instructor: The student must consult with the instructor as soon as possible and no later than 10 calendar days after the start of the following academic term, inclusive of fall, spring, summer, and intersession terms. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the ground of the grade appeal and seek resolution. If the appeal is based on allegations of discrimination or sexual harassment, this meeting will be delayed until the discrimination or sexual harassment complaint is resolved. In the event of a finding of discrimination or sexual harassment, the student will meet with the unit administrator instead of the faculty member.
  2. Appeal to the unit administrator: After consultation with the instructor, the student must initiate a grade appeal in writing, based on at least one of the three grounds mentioned above, to the unit administrator within five weeks (35 calendar days) of the date the grade was officially posted in the university system. If the unit administrator determines that the appeal is not based on one of the three criteria, the unit administrator shall dismiss the appeal, and the matter will be resolved.
    If the unit administrator determines that the appeal is based on at least one of the three grounds mentioned above, the unit administrator shall provide the instructor with a copy of the written appeal within three (3) calendar days of its receipt.
    The unit administrator may consult with the instructor and student to resolve the appeal. If the unit administrator is unable to resolve the appeal in consultation with the student and instructor, the unit administrator must forward the appeal to a faculty committee within seven (7) calendar days of its receipt.
  3. Committee review: The committee that reviews the grade appeal may be a standing appeal committee comprised of and elected by faculty. If no such committee exists, an ad hoc grade appeal committee of three faculty members shall be constructed as follows: one is selected by the student, one selected by the instructor. The two selectees then agree upon and select a third committee member who chairs the committee. Committee members may include any person holding a full-time faculty appointment in the department, college, or university. The unit administrator is responsible for distributing this policy to the committee members.
    1. The faculty member shall submit a written response to the appeal to the committee. The committee may request additional information and may meet with the student, the instructor, and/or others, as it sees fit.
    2. After reviewing the student’s statement, the instructor’s response, and any additional information requested and provided by the student or the instructor, the committee issues one of the following recommendations to the instructor and unit administrator:
      1. The grade should remain unchanged, as it was not assigned as the result of unfair treatment, a departure from standards set out in the course syllabus without a rational academic reason, or an error in calculating the grade.
      2. The grade should be changed, in which instance the committee must provide a written explanation of this finding to the instructor.
    3. If the committee recommends a grade change and the instructor disagrees, the instructor must provide a written explanation of the disagreement to the committee. The committee then makes a final recommendation to the unit administrator, taking into consideration the instructor’s response.
    4. Upon the conclusion of steps a., b., and, if applicable, c., directly above, the committee submits its final recommendation in writing to the unit administrator.
  4. Unit administrator decision: The unit administrator shall review the appeal committee recommendation, as well as all information gathered during the appeal process, make a determination, and notify the instructor and student. If the unit administrator determines that grade should be changed, the unit administrator shall initiate an administrative grade change.
  5. Dean’s review: The student and/or the instructor may appeal the unit administrator’s determination to the academic dean (or the dean’s designee) by a written request for review to the dean within seven (7) calendar days of having received notice of the unit administrator’s determination. This request must specifically state grounds for requesting the reconsideration. The dean shall provide notice of the appeal to the student, the instructor, and the unit administrator. The unit administrator shall forward all materials related to the appeal to the dean. An appeal to the dean may extend the time limit on resolution of the grade appeal by no more than three weeks (21 calendar days). The grade issued by the instructor remains in effect during the appeal process.
    1. Appeal for procedural error: In the case of appeal based on a procedural error, if the dean determines that there were no procedural errors, the dean responds in writing that the unit administrator’s determination is upheld. If the dean determines that there were procedural errors, the appeal will be considered anew. The dean will appoint an ad hoc grade appeal committee comprised of individuals holding a full-time faculty appointment within the university. That committee reviews the grade appeal as described in steps 3.a, 3.b, and 3.c, above, and collects additional information as it determines appropriate. Upon the conclusion of the processes the committee submits its recommendation in writing to the dean.
    2. Appeal for unfair treatment, deviation from syllabus, or grade calculation error: In the case of an appeal based on the grounds listed in section A (1, 2, and 3), the dean (or the dean’s designee) will review the grade appeal as described in steps 3.a, 3.b, and 3.c, and collect additional information as the dean determines appropriate.
    3. Dean’s determination: Based on provisions a. and b. directly above, the dean makes a final determination whether to uphold the unit administrator’s determination. The dean shall provide notice of the final resolution to the student, instructor, and unit administrator. The resolution must be described in writing. The dean’s decision is final.
  6. Failure of response: If any person, whether student, faculty, or administrator, fails to respond to requests made as part of the grade appeal process within seven (7) calendar days of the request, the requester may move forward without that response.

Records retention

Documentation of all formal grade appeals, including procedural appeals, must be maintained by the department for a period of time designated in the university records retention policy.

Additional grade appeal information

More information about the grade appeal procedure may be found on the UNT policy page at


University policy requires that departments retain tests for one year after the term/semester has been completed or return tests to students. If the tests are returned, students are responsible for producing the tests should a grade appeal be necessary.


Transcript request information can also be found on the Registrar web page: (

Before an official transcript can be released, applicable obligations to the university must be resolved. UNT transcripts can be ordered for electronic or mail delivery online. Paper copies can be requested in person at the Registrar’s Office.

If you have any questions concerning transcripts, please contact the Registrar’s Office in person or call the Registrar’s Office at 940-565-2111.

Academic records policies

State privacy policy

State law, with few exceptions, gives individuals the right to be informed about the information UNT collects about them. It also gives individuals the right to receive and review collected information and the opportunity to have UNT change any incorrect information. UNT’s privacy policy (no. 14.009) is available at

Student education records (FERPA)

Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the university has established policies relating to the accessibility of student information in the custody of the University of North Texas. The UNT FERPA policy statement appears in its entirety in the UNT Policy Manual, policy number 07.018. Information not covered by FERPA will be released only in accordance with the policy on public information found in policy number 04.002 of the UNT Policy Manual. Requests for public information not subject to FERPA must be submitted to the university Public Information Officer in writing. The UNT Policy manual with the complete FERPA policy (07.018) can be found at

FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. Students have the right to:

  1. Inspect, review and receive copies of their own education record upon request to the appropriate records custodian (i.e.- Registrar, Dean, Department Head, or other appropriate official). The request must be provided in writing and must specifically identify the requested education records. The university will comply with all requests within forty-five (45) calendar days from the date the request was received.

The university official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the university official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

  1. Request the amendment of personal education records the student believes are inaccurate, misleading or a violation of privacy.

The student should write to the Dean of Students Office, clearly identify the part of the record he or she wants changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. Students may request a hearing to review a denial of a request to amend educational records. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the decision to deny a request to amend. The right to amend education records does not apply to grade appeals.

  1. Generally, FERPA requires written consent before personally identifiable information contained in a student’s education records may be disclosed to a third party. However, FERPA authorizes disclosure of personally identifiable information without the student’s consent under certain circumstances. One such exception is directory information.

Directory information consists of a student’s name; address; major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; dates of attendance; enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate or graduate; full-time or part-time); classification; degrees, awards and honors received (including selection criteria); expected graduation date; dissertation and thesis titles; most recent previous school attended; and photograph.

Directory information will be provided without a student’s consent upon request unless the student files a request in the Registrar’s Office asking that their directory information not be disclosed without specific authorization. The request should be submitted prior to the 12th class day in the fall and spring terms, the 2nd class day of a three-week session, or the 4th class day of a five-week summer session. A request to withhold information may be submitted after the stated deadline for a term or session, but information may be released between the deadline and receipt of the request. The university will comply with a student’s request to have their information excluded from available directory information until the request is amended in writing.

The University of North Texas will disclose information from a student’s education records without the written consent of the student to the following individuals or under the following conditions:

  1. School officials who have a legitimate educational interest.
  2. Parents when:
    1. the student is a dependent of the parent for tax purposes as evidenced by appropriate documentation, including the parent’s most recent tax return or a student financial aid application;
    2. a health or safety emergency necessitates disclosure to protect the health or safety of the student or another individual; or
    3. the student is under 21 years of age at the time of the disclosure and the student has violated a federal, state, or local law or any rule or UNT policy governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance and UNT has found the student in violation of the Code of Student’s Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct.
  3. Officials of another school to which a student seeks or intends to enroll or has already enrolled, upon written request, if the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer.
  4. Certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, the Comptroller General, the Attorney General of the United States, the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, and state and local educational authorities in connection with an audit or evaluation of federal or state supported education programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with federal legal requirements that relate to those programs.
  5. Financial aid personnel in conjunction with an application for or receipt of financial assistance, provided the disclosure is needed: (i) to determine the eligibility of the student for financial aid, (ii) to determine the amount of financial aid, (iii) to determine the conditions that will be imposed, or (iv) to enforce the terms or conditions of the financial aid.
  6. Individuals delivering a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. The university will make reasonable efforts to notify the student before disclosing records in advance of compliance with the order or subpoena, except when directed not to do so by the court order or subpoena or when otherwise required by law.
  7. Organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of UNT pursuant to a written agreement to develop, validate or administer predictive tests or student aid programs, or to improve instruction. Information from education records may only be used to meet the purposes of the study stated in the written agreement between the university and the organization(s) and must contain the current restrictions on re disclosure and destruction of information requirements applicable to information disclosed under this exception.
  8. Accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions.
  9. To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency. Appropriate parties include, but are not limited to, school officials, law enforcement officials, parents, and emergency/medical personnel.
  10. To victims of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense, limited only to the final results of a UNT disciplinary proceeding regardless of whether UNT determines through its own investigation that a violation was committed.
  11. To any member of the public in matters relating to sex offenders and information provided to UNT under relevant federal law.
  12. To a court in which the university is defending itself against legal action initiated by a parent or eligible student.
  13. To the originating party identified as the party that provided or created the record. This allows for returning documents, such as official transcripts, that appear to have been falsified back to the institution or school official identified as the creator or sender of the record for confirmation of its status as an authentic record.
  14. Individuals requesting records for students who are deceased.

Individuals may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if they believe the University of North Texas has failed to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The complaint should be sent to:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202

For information regarding the university’s policy on access to student education records contact the university Registrar. For information regarding access to public information contact the UNT System Office of General Counsel.

Chosen name policy

Policy statement

The University of North Texas recognizes that students may wish to identify themselves within the University community with a chosen first name and middle name that differs from their legal first and middle name.

Application of policy

The election for a chosen name is for currently enrolled students.


Legal name–The name that appears on government-issued identification. It is the primary name in the EIS student record system.

Chosen first and middle name– A name a person uses to identify themself other than the legal name; students may not declare a chosen name for an inappropriate purpose, including, but not limited to misrepresentation, use of derogatory terms, or avoiding legal or financial obligation.

Procedures and responsibilities

I. Currently enrolled students may request a chosen first name and/or middle name they want to be known by, regardless of whether they have legally changed their name.

II. The University reserves the right to remove a chosen first and middle name if it is inappropriate, as defined above. Chosen names may not include symbols or numbers.

III. The legal name will continue to appear in university-related systems, business processes, and documents for reporting, for financial aid, on transcripts, for payroll and tax documents, and other records where use of legal first name is required by law or University policy.

a. The University will make every attempt possible to use a student’s chosen name.

A. Legal name must appear on/in the following places:

1. Official Transcripts

2. Enrollment verification forms

3. International systems and documents

4. Financial Aid systems and documents

5. Tuition/fees, billing and refund systems and documents

6. Human Resource, Employment Records

7. State and Federal Reporting

B. In addition, the legal name will appear in most external-facing University documents, publications and communications. There are several exceptions to this policy:

1. List of candidates for degree conferral; for publication on university websites, in the Commencement program, senior and honors events, and the graduation list (student may have the chosen first and middle name appear as opposed to legal first and middle name);

2. The University-issued diploma (student may have the chosen first and middle name printed on the diploma by contacting the Registrar’s Office at the time to apply for graduation);

3. Most athletic promotional materials such as event programs, announcements during competition, and press releases;

4. University marketing materials where a student has consented to have their name identified.

IV. The chosen name will appear in university systems including but not limited to the following, where use of legal name is NOT required by law or University policy.

A. Chosen first and middle name may appear in the following places:

1. Student Portal (including class rosters)

2. Enterprise Information Systems (EIS)

3. Student Learning Management System

4. Degree Audits

5. Student Evaluations

6. Case Management Systems

7. Student ID Card

8. Dining

9. Library

10. Computer Labs

11. Housing

12. Student email address- Eagle Alert

13. Thesis/Dissertations Initial Submission