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    Feb 19, 2025  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The Graduate Council

The Graduate Council establishes all university policies governing graduate programs, approves new programs, and approves all substantive changes in existing programs. The membership of the Graduate Council includes elected faculty members who represent each of the eight districts of the faculty senate, plus four at-large members. Elected faculty members serve staggered, three-year terms on the council and represent the interests of the graduate faculty of the university. Two student members, elected by the graduate student council, represent the interests of graduate students and are elected yearly for a one-year term. Ex-officio members include the Dean of the Toulouse Graduate School (who serves as co-chair), the associate graduate deans, the provost, the university librarian, and each of the deans of the schools and colleges with graduate programs. The Toulouse Graduate School staff implement the policies determined by the Graduate Council.

Ex-officio members

Victor Prybutok, PhD, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Toulouse Graduate School
Joseph R. Oppong, PhD, Academic Associate Vice Provost and Academic Associate Dean, Toulouse Graduate School
Jennifer Evans-Cowley, PhD, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Marilyn Wiley, PhD, Dean of the G. Brint Ryan College of Business
Randy Bomer, PhD, Dean of the College of Education
Hanchen Huang, PhD, Dean of the College of Engineering
Neale R. Chumbler, PhD, Dean of the College of Health and Public Service
Kinshuk, PhD, Dean of the College of Information
Andrea Miller, PhD, Dean of the Frank W. and Sue Mayborn School of Journalism
Tamara Brown, PhD, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Jana Hawley, PhD, Dean of the College of Merchandising, Hospitality and Tourism
John W. Richmond, PhD, Dean of the College of Music
Su Gao, PhD, Dean of the College of Science
Greg Watts, MFA, Dean of the College of Visual Arts and Design
Diane Bruxvoort, MLIS, Dean of Libraries

Elected members

Jordan Frith, PhD, Associate Professor of Technical Communication
Lynne Cagle-Cox, PhD, Lecturer of Learning Technologies
Doug Brozovic, PhD, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Nick Evangelopolous, PhD, Associate Professor of Information Technology and Decision Sciences
Prathiba Natesan, PhD, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology
Gayle Prybutok, PhD, Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation and Health Services
Jennifer Lane, MA, Associate Professor of Vocal Studies
Kris Chesky, PhD, Professor of Instrumental Studies
Gwen Nisbitt, PhD, Assistant Professor of Journalism
Denise E. Catalano, PhD, Associate Professor of Rehabilitation and Health Services

Academic policies

The general policies of the Toulouse Graduate School are determined by the Graduate Council and administered by the Toulouse Graduate School dean’s administration.

Standards, fees and other requirements may be modified at any time by the Graduate Council.

Student Standards of Academic Integrity

A research university is built upon the academic integrity of its members. As an intellectual enterprise, a research university is dependent upon trust, honesty, and the exchange of ideas in a manner that gives full credit and context to the sources of those ideas. UNT’s policy on the Student Standards of Academic Integrity is designed to uphold these principles of academic integrity. The policy protects the rights of all participants in the educational process and validates the legitimacy of degrees awarded by the university.

The policy covers categories of academic dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, forgery, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, and sabotage. The policy includes descriptions of infractions, penalties and procedures. In the investigation and resolution of all allegations of student academic dishonesty, the university’s actions are intended to be corrective, educationally sound, fundamentally fair, and based on reliable evidence. The full policy (06.003) is available online at, where it can be located by searching for either title or number.

Appeal processes

Students who believe they have not been fairly treated in any aspect of their graduate program have the right of appeal. Students with questions concerning discrimination, grade appeal, academic integrity, disability, financial aid, accommodations, or the Code of Student Conduct must contact the appropriate academic personnel or compliance officer and refer to the appropriate policies. Appeals concerning extension of time to complete a degree should be initiated through the student’s major department. Appeals concerning admission to the Toulouse Graduate School are initiated through the Dean of the Toulouse Graduate School. Appeals concerning admission to a particular degree program should be initiated through the student’s major department. Appeals regarding specific requirements to complete a degree should be initiated through the student’s major department. All other appeals should be initiated through the Dean of the Toulouse Graduate School.

Admission decision and time extension appeals will be handled in a different manner. Information about these processes should be sought from either the student’s department or the Office of the Dean of the Toulouse Graduate School.

General policies

University diversity, equity and inclusion statement

The University of North Texas has a history of seeking to preserve an atmosphere that supports an awareness and understanding of differences. It is committed to maintaining an inclusive and accepting atmosphere welcoming to anyone who wishes to pursue their educational and developmental goals. UNT values the increasing diversity of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity, ability, religion, age, cultural expression, national origin, linguistic heritage, and veteran status among the individuals who make up its community. This is one of UNT’s greatest strengths.

Individuals within the UNT community are unified by a primary purpose: learning. With that primary purpose in mind, UNT works to advance ideals of human worth and dignity by facilitating open discussion, supporting rational resolution of conflict and encouraging examination of values and varying perspectives. Individuals who work, study, live and teach within this community are expected to refrain from behavior that threatens the freedom, safety, dignity, and respect deserved by every community member who pursues their educational and professional goals here.

Students, faculty or staff who have concerns or questions related to diversity and inclusion at UNT should contact the appropriate office. Students should call the Dean of Students office at 940-565-2648. Faculty and staff should call the Division of Institutional Equity and Diversity at 940-565-2711. TTY access: 940-369-8652 or 800-735-2989. You may contact Diversity and Inclusion via email at or by phone at 940-565-3119.

Americans with Disabilities Act

The University of North Texas does not discriminate on the basis of an individual’s disability and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (ADA). In accordance with the requirements of the ADA, the university will not exclude any individual with a disability from the full and equal enjoyment of its services and facilities. The university will make reasonable modifications in its policies, practices or procedures to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services and activities.

The university provides reasonable accommodations in the form of academic adjustments and auxiliary aids to qualified students with disabilities, and provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities who are employees or applicants for employment. For information about student accommodations, contact the Office of Disability Access at 940-565-4323. Faculty and staff should contact the Office of Human Resources at

Changes of address

It is the responsibility of the student to provide correct permanent and local mailing address information at all times and on all documents at the university. Students who change their mailing address must notify the Registrar’s Office by calling 940-565-2111 or update their address at

Identification card regulations

The identification card is distributed during registration. The card entitles the bearer to student admission to athletic events, University Program Council entertainment, Fine Arts Series programs, dances, movies, general access computer laboratories and the Student Health and Wellness Center. It provides identification at the libraries for checking out materials and at Recreational Sports and the Student Health and Wellness Center for use of these facilities. The ID card also serves as the meal card for those students with meal plans. As the student’s official university identification, it must be presented to any UNT official upon request.

Lost ID cards may be replaced for a $10 charge in the ID Systems Office of Student Financial Services located in the Eagle Student Services Center, first floor. Misplaced ID cards that have been turned in are held in the ID Systems Office located in Eagle Student Services Center, first floor. Students are asked to retain their ID cards, even though they may not be enrolled. The cards are reactivated upon subsequent enrollment.

Fraudulent use of the ID card subjects the user to a fine of $2,000 and up to one year in jail (Class A Misdemeanor). Anyone who uses the ID card to give false information to a police officer is subject to a fine of $200 (Class C Misdemeanor).

Liability for personal loss

The university is not responsible for and does not assume any liability for loss of or damage to personal property, including damage to vehicles. Students are encouraged to obtain personal insurance coverage for loss of or damage to possessions on campus, including possessions in dormitories and vehicles.

Motor vehicle regulations

Persons who operate motor vehicles and bicycles on the UNT campus must comply with the Texas Transportation Code and published university regulations regarding vehicle and bicycle use, parking, display of decals and penalties for violation. The regulations are available online at

Emergency closures

Weather conditions may temporarily disrupt university operations in that university administration may determine it is necessary to delay opening time, close early or close for the day.

Courses taught online via Web CT are unaffected by severe weather closings unless instructors inform students otherwise. Those students should continue course work as regularly scheduled.

Closings due to severe weather are posted on the UNT web site ( and released to the Dallas–Fort Worth news media outlets. Registered students, faculty and staff will be notified via the Eagle Alert system as appropriate. Students can update their Eagle Alert contact numbers by going to Updates on inclement weather can also be found by checking Facebook (@northtexas), following Twitter (@UNTEagleAlert) and listening to local media outlets.

Detailed information, guidelines, safety tips and resources pertaining to inclement weather can be found at

Notice of complaint

The university may issue an official request or notice of complaint to a student to appear before a university administrator when a student’s conduct or behavior is reasonably believed to be in violation of a published university policy or rule. A student who receives a notice of complaint should always consider it important and respond immediately. Failure to answer a notice of complaint can result in disciplinary action up to and including administrative withdrawal from the university.

Transportation services

The UNT Shuttle serves the Denton campus, including Discovery Park, Eagle Point and various off-campus student housing complexes. Additionally, students can access the Denton local bus service fare free by presenting a valid UNT ID.

During the fall and spring semesters the e-ride service provides transportation around the UNT campus and Eagle Point for areas not served by the campus shuttle. Between the hours of 2 a.m. and 7 a.m., a late night service operated by Lyft is available to students. Visit for current e-ride information.

Alternative transportation options, including car sharing, bicycling and ridesharing, are supported by Transportation Services as well.

For information regarding hours of operation, route schedules and alternative transportation options, visit their website at

Other policies in print

Additional policies and guidelines pertaining to particular subjects or for specific publics are listed in other publications, such as the Housing Handbook, available in the Housing and Residence Life office; Parking Regulations, available from Parking Services in the Parking Office and the UNT Bookstore in the University Union; The Financial Connection, available in Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. International students should consult the International Admissions and Advising Center for information regarding policies and procedures required by federal regulation agencies.

Tuition and fees information is available online at

Other policies may be found in the “Code of Student Conduct.” The code is available on the UNT web site (may be found at

All university policies are subject to change throughout the year.

University of North Texas Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

Pursuant to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, the University of North Texas is required to establish a drug and alcohol prevention program for its students and employees. UNT is also required to provide this information to students, faculty, and staff upon entry and annually. Following is a description of UNT’s program. A biennial review of this program is done to determine its effectiveness, to implement changes to the program if they are needed and to ensure that the university’s disciplinary sanctions described are consistently enforced. The DFSCA report can be found at

Standards of conduct

University of North Texas regulations prohibit the unlawful possession, use, distribution and sale of alcohol and illicit drugs by University students and their guests and for employees on University-owned or controlled property and at University-sponsored or supervised activities.

University discipline

Violation of these university regulations can result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion for students and discharge for employees.

Legal sanctions

Local, state and federal laws also prohibit the unlawful possession, use, distribution and sale of alcohol and illicit drugs. Criminal penalties for violation of such laws range from fines up to $20,000 to imprisonment for terms up to and including life.

Health risks

Specific serious health risks are associated with the use of alcohol and illicit drugs. Some of the major risks are listed below. For more information contact the Wellness Resource Service and Substance Abuse Resource Center at 1800 W. Chestnut, Chestnut Hall, Suite 301, or by calling 940-565-2787.

  • Alcohol and other depressants (barbiturates, sedatives, and tranquilizers) – addiction, accidents as a result of impaired ability and judgment, alcohol poisoning, overdose when used with other depressants, damage to a developing fetus, heart and liver damage and death.
  • Marijuana – impairs short-term memory, thinking, and physical coordination. Can cause panic reaction and increase the risk of lung cancer and emphysema. Can interfere with judgment, attention span, concentration, and overall intellectual performance. Impairs driving ability. May cause psychological dependence and compromise the immune system.
  • Cocaine – addiction, cardiovascular system damage including heart attack, brain damage, seizures, lung damage, severe depression, paranoia, psychosis. Similar risks are associated with other stimulants, such as speed and uppers.
  • Nicotine – tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemical compounds, many of which are known to cause cancer. Nicotine, which is a central nervous system stimulant, produces an increase in heart and respiration rates, blood pressure, adrenaline production and metabolism. People can rapidly become physically and psychologically dependent on tobacco. Compromises the immune system.
  • Inhalants – inhalants are a diverse group of chemicals that easily evaporate and can cause intoxication when their vapors are inhaled. Most inhalants are central nervous system depressants. Use of these drugs slows down many body functions. High doses can cause severe breathing failure and sudden death. Chronic abuse of some of these chemicals can lead to irreversible liver damage and other health problems.
  • Prescription drug abuse – adverse reactions, dependency, withdrawal, and overdose.


A variety of resources exist for alcohol and other drug prevention education, counseling and referral. For detailed information concerning these resources available from the University and community agencies, students may contact the Meadows Center for Health Resources and the Substance Abuse Resource Center, 1800 W. Chestnut, Chestnut Hall, Suite 301, 940-565-2787. Faculty and staff members may contact the Employee Assistance Program at 800-343-3822 or Human Resources at 940-565-4817.