Undergraduate course substitutes
The maximum number of graduate hours a grad track student could earn is 12 hours (4 graduate courses). These 12 hours can be comprised of a mixture of course substitutions for a combination of Group A-B-C course requirements and/or upper-division communication elective courses.
Students accepted into the grad track program can substitute the following graduate-level COMM courses for each corresponding COMM GROUP requirement.
All remaining courses for Communication Studies, BA must be completed.
Additional information about advising for grad track students
Grad track students will choose classes in consultation with the graduate advisor to ensure that classes meet their level of preparation in the program.
Grad track students cannot enroll in COMM 5085 - Pedagogy and Communication until they have fulfilled all degree requirements for their Bachelor’s degree.
COMM 5080 - Introduction to Graduate Study and Research in Communication Studies would count as a substitute for a grad track student’s upper-level COMM elective.
Grad track students would be strongly advised not to take more than 12 hours (total) in a semester while still completing their Bachelor’s degree (the ideal enrollment would be a split of 6 hours of undergrad courses and 3-6 hours of graduate courses). No grad track student would be permitted to take more than 3 graduate courses while still enrolled in their Bachelor’s degree program.
Grad track students cannot enroll in more advanced seminars in the Master’s program unless they have already taken a more general course in that area of the department (e.g., while still enrolled in the Bachelor’s program, a grad track student would not be permitted to take COMM 5545 - Race and Public Culture unless they have already taken one of the rhetoric courses approved as a GROUP B substitute).
Grad track students would be advised to take graduate coursework alongside general degree electives in other departments to help balance out workload.
Courses taken for grad track credit will have a slightly different numbering system (So, instead of taking COMM 5221.601, the undergrad grad track student would sign up for COMM 5221.002 to distinguish them from the traditional Master’s degree student).