Mar 13, 2025
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog
Information Science with a concentration in Cybersecurity, PhD
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A student with a previous master’s degree must earn a minimum of 60 semester hours of graduate credit beyond the master’s degree in organized course work, independent study and the dissertation. Additional courses above the 60 hours also may be stipulated as needed, such as the research tool and subject tool requirement. Courses counted toward the doctorate must be numbered 5000 or above (except INFO 5000 , INFO 5080 , INFO 5200 or INFO 5600 ) and must be chosen with the approval of a faculty academic advisor.
A student with no previous master’s degree must earn a minimum of 72 semester hours of graduate course work in organized course work, independent study and the dissertation. Additional courses above the 72 hours also may be stipulated as needed. Courses counted toward the doctorate must be numbered 5000 or above and must be chosen with the approval of a faculty academic advisor. The student formally concludes course work by passing the qualifying examination before fully engaging in dissertation research.
Required core courses, 12 hours
Research courses, minimum of 24 hours
Courses may include individual research, direct studies, special topics, internships and doctoral dissertation. Required research course, 3 hours
Quantitative research methods/statistics, 6 hours
Chosen in consultation with advisor Qualitative research methods, 3 hours
Chosen in consultation with advisor. Dissertation, minimum of 12 hours
Cybersecurity concentration core, 12 hours
Other relevant courses may be used upon department approval. Concentration electives, minimum of 12 hours
The following is a partial list. Other relevant courses may be used upon department approval. Doctoral Committee
The doctoral committee comprises at least three faculty members who represent at least two academic units, one of which is the Department of Information Science. The committee is formed by the student and serves to evaluate the student’s work at the qualifying examination, dissertation proposal, and dissertation stages. Progress toward the degree
The student must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3. 0 (B) on all course work on the degree plan. In addition, - all core courses must be completed with a grade of A or B;
- no more than two C’s in the non-core program requirements will count toward the degree; and
- no course with a grade below C will count toward the degree.
The maximum time allowed for completing the doctoral degree is 8 years. A faculty academic advisor meets with each student at least annually to review the student’s progress in the program. The student is eligible to sit for the qualifying examination when he or she has designated a doctoral committee, met all degree plan requirements except dissertation hours, and cleared any incomplete grades. When a student passes the qualifying examination, he or she is admitted to candidacy. The doctoral candidate must write and successfully defend a dissertation proposal and a completed dissertation in order to complete the degree. |
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