The primary aims of the kinesiology program are to provide students with an understanding of basic research methodology; to acquaint students with the professional literature, trends and research being conducted in kinesiology; and to enable students to develop a concentration in exercise physiology, sport and exercise psychology, or sport pedagogy.
Career opportunities for graduates are generally found in the private sector within health clubs, wellness centers, corporations, rehabilitation centers, and athletic and other private groups; or within the teaching profession as teachers, coaches, athletic trainers and administrators. Students also continue their graduate education by joining PhD programs once graduated.
Examples of current research projects include the study of physical activity; social and psychological factors associated with physical fitness and body composition; effective coaching behavior; mental skills related to performance success; physiology of resistance exercise related to hormones, nutrition, health and performance; measurement and evaluation of physical fitness; exercise, cognition and metal health; and concurrent feedback and practice organization on the learning of motor skills.
Financial support for research conducted by faculty comes from internal research grants, instructional grants, and external funding agencies.