Mar 13, 2025
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Performance, MM
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Master of Music degree program
Students seeking the master’s degree should consult their applied lesson teacher, thesis advisor or division chair in preparing a tentative program to meet the degree requirements and in selecting an advisory committee. Degree requirements Requirements for each degree program are outlined below. The Office of Graduate Studies in Music provides complete information concerning procedures, administrative details and GRE requirements for individual programs. Students applying for the MM in performance or jazz studies may satisfy the GRE requirement by completing an on-campus writing examination. Details are available in the Office of Graduate Studies. The Graduation Preparation Course (GPC) provided for international students by the Intensive English Language Institute will not be accepted as a substitute for the GRE requirement. Before the degree is granted, the candidate must pass a final comprehensive examination — either oral, written or both — covering the field of concentration and, if applicable, the thesis or research problem. Performance majors must take the examination after the completion of the MM degree recital requirement. The examination may be taken no more than three times. Performance major
Performance majors may specialize in piano, collaborative piano, organ, harpsichord, voice, conducting or any of the following orchestral instruments: violin, viola, cello, double bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, French horn, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, tuba, percussion, harp, guitar or woodwinds. Keyboard students are required to complete secondary study which must be related to the major area of study, i.e., harpsichord, organ or piano (exceptions may be approved by the division chair). Students must receive a grade of B or better in (1) all leveling and review courses and (2) for all courses counting toward the degree. The programs are described below. At the point of graduation, students pursuing the performance major will be listed as having a specialization in the appropriate area. Piano specialization
To be admitted to the 32-hour program, each applicant must show proof of having played a solo senior recital or its equivalent. Also, each applicant must play an audition for the piano faculty. The audition must consist of three major works: (1) a contrapuntal work, preferably 18th century; (2) a complete sonata of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven or Schubert; (3) any other standard work. All three are to be performed from memory. After qualification, each term/semester’s repertoire shall include a virtuoso etude. Each candidate also must present a standard concerto and at least one non-traditional 20th-century work during the course of study. The following courses are required. 3 hours selected from
Students who anticipate pursuing a doctorate in music should take MUMH 5010 . Additional requirements
Related field, 9 hours Select an area from those listed below. In lieu of a related field, students may select 9 graduate hours of electives in music with the exception of MUAM, MUCM, MUEN and MULB. Electives, 4 hours Four hours of electives are required for the major in piano. Additional requirements In addition, the following repertoire must be memorized. The repertoire must consist of material that the candidate has studied since becoming a graduate student. - Two complete programs must be presented publicly. The programs for the public recitals must be approved in advance by the piano faculty.
- One complete concerto drawn from the standard repertoire.
- Attendance at all area departmental recitals is required. Unexcused absences will result in the final course grade being lowered. For additional information, consult the divisional and area handbooks.
Collaborative Piano specialization
To be admitted to this 37-hour program, each applicant must first meet the entrance requirements for the specialization in collaborative piano. For more information on the admissions and audition process and for specific repertoire requirements go to music.unt.edu/admissions/graduate-repertoire. Consult with the coordinator of collaborative piano in order to arrange for this audition. Collaborative Piano
Twelve hours from the following courses: Two terms/semesters chosen from the following 1-credit courses
3 hours selected from
Students who anticipate pursuing a doctorate in music should take MUMH 5010. Additional requirements
Related field, 9 hours Select an area from those listed below. In lieu of a related field, students may select 9 graduate hours of electives in music with the exception of MUAM, MUCM, MUEN and MULB. Electives, 3 hours Suggested courses for electives: Organ specialization
Before becoming a candidate for this degree, the applicant who is not a graduate of UNT in organ must perform before a faculty jury a 30-minute program representative of undergraduate repertoire. The following courses are required for the 32-hour program. 3 hours selected from
(This requirement is waived for those electing musicology as a related field.) Additional requirements
Related field, 9 hours Select an area from those listed below. For those electing conducting as a related field, MUAG 5810 is required and may count toward the 9-hour related field course options. In lieu of a related field, students may select 9 graduate hours of electives in music with the exception of MUAM, MUCM, MUEN and MULB. Electives, 1-4 hours One to four hours of electives also are required to complete the 32-hour specialization in organ. Additional requirements All students must demonstrate proficiency at a level equivalent to the Associate Examination of the American Guild of Organists. In addition, two recital programs must be performed publicly, the first of which may be 45 minutes; the second program of 50-55 minutes, counts as the actual MM program. The repertoire for both programs must consist of material that the candidate has studied since becoming a graduate student. The program for the public recital must be approved in advance by the organ faculty. Performance majors are required to play one major work from memory on the degree recital. Attendance at all area departmental recitals is required. Unexcused absences will result in the final course grade being lowered. For additional information, consult the divisional and area handbooks. Harpsichord specialization
To be admitted to the program, each applicant must show proof of having played a solo senior recital or its equivalent. The applicant who is not a graduate of UNT in harpsichord must perform before the faculty a 30-minute program representative of undergraduate repertoire. Required courses
The following courses are required for the 32-hour program. 3 hours selected from
Students who anticipate pursuing a doctorate in music should take MUMH 5010. Additional requirements
Related field, 9 hours Select an area from those listed below. In lieu of a related field, students may select 9 graduate hours of electives in music with the exception of MUAM, MUCM, MUEN and MULB. Additional requirements Two complete recital programs must be prepared, one of which must be presented publicly. The repertoire for both programs must consist of material that the candidate has studied since becoming a graduate student. The harpsichord and early music faculty must approve the program for the public recital in advance. The student is required to play 10 to 15 minutes of the recital from memory. The student must demonstrate proficiency at playing from figured bass pieces equivalent to compositions of Telemann, Quantz, Corelli, Handel and Marais. Thirty minutes of ensemble music for which the student plays continuo must be presented publicly. It is expected that this requirement will be completed in Collegium performances. Voice specialization
Students wishing to specialize in voice must meet the following requirements to qualify for admission to candidacy. - A repertoire as extensive as that required for the Bachelor of Music degree with a major in voice at UNT.
- Performance from memory before a faculty jury a program of at least 20 minutes that includes selections in Italian, French, German and English, as well as an aria from an opera and one from an oratorio. Detailed instructions for the audition should be obtained from the chair of the division of vocal studies prior to or at registration. Students will be required to demonstrate proficiency in lyric diction at the undergraduate level before being allowed to register for MUAG 5215 .
Required courses
The following courses are required for the 35-hour program. 3 hours selected from
Students who anticipate pursuing a doctorate in music should take MUMH 5010. Additional requirements
Related field, 9 hours Select an area from those listed below. In lieu of a related field, students may select 9 graduate hours of electives in music with the exception of MUAM, MUEN and MULB. Additional requirements Students are required to take jury examinations in each term/semester of enrollment in voice until the recital is successfully completed. During the final term/semester of graduate study, the student will be required to present one complete recital from memory. A committee of three College of Music faculty will attend and grade the recital. The committee must consist of the major professor, at least one additional member of the Division of Vocal Studies faculty, and either a third faculty member from the Division of Vocal Studies or a College of Music faculty member from the student’s related field. Orchestral Instrument specialization
Before being admitted to graduate study with a specialization in an orchestral instrument, candidates will perform an audition before a faculty jury. This audition must consist of repertoire appropriate to the area and degree. Required courses
The following courses are required for the 32-hour program. Additional requirements
Related field, 9 hours Select an area from those listed below. In lieu of a related field, students may select 9 graduate hours of electives in music with the exception of MUAM, MUCM, MUEN and MULB. Electives, 4 hours Four hours of electives also are required for the specialization in an orchestral instrument. Additional requirements In addition, all majors will perform a complete recital in public, consisting of music that the candidate has studied since becoming a graduate student at the University of North Texas. The repertoire for this recital will be determined by the student’s major teacher, subject to approval of the area faculty. The recital performance will be passed upon by a majority of those faculty members in attendance from the student’s area of performance. 3 hours selected from
Students who anticipate pursuing a doctorate in music should take MUMH 5010. Woodwinds specialization
To be admitted to the program the applicant must pass auditions on the principal and two other woodwind instruments. Required courses
The following courses are required for the 32-hour program. 3 hours selected from
Students who anticipate pursuing a doctorate in music should take MUMH 5010. Additional requirements
Related field, 9 hours Select an area from those listed below. In lieu of a related field, students may select 9 graduate hours of electives in music with the exception of MUAM, MUCM, MUEN and MULB. Electives, 2 hours Two hours of electives also are required for the specialization in woodwinds. Additional requirements Graduation requirements include relevant minimum standards for the principal instrument and the four other woodwinds. The candidate will perform a recital on the principal instrument and two of the other woodwind instruments to complete the program. Appropriate minimum standards and requirements on the remaining two woodwind instruments will be met in jury examination. Repertoire and memorization requirements will be determined by the student’s teacher, subject to approval of the woodwind faculty. Recital performance will be passed upon by a majority of the woodwind faculty members in attendance. Conducting specialization
Applicants for the Master of Music degree in performance with a specialization in conducting must hold the Bachelor of Music degree or its equivalent. This program is open to a limited number of students based on the availability of conducting opportunities. Applicants are requested to submit a complete dossier, including transcripts, curriculum vitae, letters of recommendation, programs, high-quality video recordings (DVD) of the applicant conducting (include, if possible, excerpts from both a rehearsal and a performance) and a statement of career objectives. All materials should be submitted by the first Monday in December to the College of Music Office of Admissions. On the basis of the written applications and tape evaluations, selected choral studies and orchestral studies conducting applicants will be asked to come to the campus for an audition and interview at their own expense. Applicants will audition before the conducting faculty with a university ensemble appropriate to the major area of emphasis (band, choir, opera or orchestra). The following courses are required for the 36-hour program. Additional requirements
Related field, 9 hours Select an area from those listed below. In lieu of a related field, students may select 9 graduate hours of electives in music with the exception of MUAM, MUCM, MUEN and MULB. Additional requirements Students with a related field in applied music are required to take jury examinations each term/semester and pass a final proficiency hearing after completion of the required hours in applied music. Candidates will conduct a public performance in their primary area. This recital will be evaluated by at least three members of the conducting faculty. Related field
All master’s degree performance majors must include on their degree plan a related field of not fewer than 9 hours selected from applied music, collaborative piano, composition, computer music, conducting, contemporary music, early music, ethnomusicology, jazz studies, music and medicine, music education, music entrepreneurship, musicology, opera, piano pedagogy, sacred music, theory, or vocal pedagogy. Self-Designed related field:
Students wishing to create a self-designed related field must submit the “Request for Self- Designed Related Field” form to the Graduate Studies Office along with a justification of ca. 300 words explaining how the proposed related field will further their professional, artistic, and academic goals. The form needs to include the course numbers and catalogue descriptions of each proposed course. It is the students’ responsibility to find a related field professor to serve on the oral comprehensive exam committee. The Graduate Performance Degree Committee must approve the related field before the student files the Degree Plan and Committee Designation Form. Related field outside the college of music:
Students wishing to pursue a related field outside the College of Music must submit the “Request for Related Field Outside the College of Music” form to the Graduate Studies Office along with a justification of ca. 300 words explaining how the proposed related field will further their professional, artistic, and academic goals. The form needs to include the course numbers and catalogue descriptions of each proposed course. It is the students’ responsibility to find a related field professor to serve on the oral comprehensive exam committee. The Graduate Performance Degree Committee must approve the related field before the student files the Degree Plan and Committee Designation Form. Music electives option
In lieu of a related field, students may select 9 graduate hours of electives in music with the exception of MUAM, MUCM, MUEN and MULB. Applied music
(Available only to those with a conducting specialization.) Required: audition - MUAC 5500 level (6 hours)
Collaborative piano
Required: audition (audition procedures may be found in the Piano Area Handbook online); 6 hours selected from 3 additional hours
Remaining 3 hours determined in consultation with related field advisor. Students must present a public collaborative recital as a final project. Composition
Application procedures and prerequisites are included in the Composition Student Handbook, which may be downloaded from the composition division web site: music.unt.edu/comp. Required: Conducting
(Not open as a related field to those with a specialization in conducting.) Choral conducting
9 hours selected from: Orchestral conducting
9 hours selected from: Wind conducting
Prerequisite: MUAG 5850 Advanced Instrumental Conducting (3 hours) or equivalent experience, as determined by the related field director. *Candidates must be concurrently enrolled in MULB 5173 – Wind Studies ensemble while pursuing the related field. Students may be eligible for zero credit. General conducting
9 hours selected from the following: Contemporary music
Application procedures and prerequisites are included in the Composition Student Handbook, which may be downloaded from the composition division web site: composition.music.unt.edu. Required: Early music
Required: A total of 9 hours must be completed. Ethnomusicology
Students must submit a formal application to the Ethnomusicology Area (see mhte.music.unt.edu for more information). Required: Jazz studies
Required: audition; Music and medicine
Required: Music education
Required: 9 hours selected from any 5000- or 6000-level MUED course. Music entrepreneurship
Pursuing a related field in music entrepreneurship requires that the candidate submit a successful application. Requisite qualifications and application procedures are available at career.music.unt.edu/related-field. Musicology
Required: 9 hours selected from Opera
Required: 9 hours selected from Piano pedagogy
Leveling and review courses may not be counted toward the related field or as electives. Sacred music
Required: audition. Audition procedures may be obtained from the chair of the division of keyboard studies. Student must select 9 hours from: Theory
Required: 9 hours selected from One additional course from
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