Mar 13, 2025
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Chemistry, PhD
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The course requirements for the PhD degree require that a student complete core courses in three of the four traditional areas of chemistry (including the student’s area of research). Students must complete three additional advanced courses (of which at least two must be in the Department of Chemistry). The student must maintain a B average or better in these six courses. This research must culminate in the writing of a dissertation of demonstrable scientific merit. No more than 9 semester credit hours of dissertation are applied to the degree, even though more dissertation hours may be accumulated. It is required that at least one paper be accepted in a refereed journal by the time of the oral defense.
Up to two of the six advanced courses may be in another department if the student’s PhD advisor and advisory committee approve.
Candidates for the PhD with a major in chemistry entering with only a bachelor’s degree must complete a minimum of 72 hours of course work.
After completion of the formal course work and the cumulative examination/qualifying examination sequence (CHEM 6010 ), the student will apply to the dean of the Toulouse Graduate School for admission to candidacy for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. This should be done at least one year before graduation.
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