Nov 21, 2024
BIOL 4810 - Bioinformatics Algorithms
3 hours (3;0;1)
Introduction to computational problems inspired by the life sciences and overview of the algorithms behind the bioinformatics tools. Exposure to fundamental algorithmic concepts underlying sequence data in computational molecular biology. Formulate biological problems as computational problems and implement algorithms to solve these problems efficiently. Topics include methods to compute sequence alignments (dynamic programming algorithm), motif finding (randomized algorithms), DNA sequence assembly (graph algorithms), protein sequencing data analysis (brute force algorithms), and sequence data analysis (suffix trees and hidden Markov models).
Recommended: CSCE 3850 or departmental consent for non-CSE majors by filling out the Enrollment Assistance request form at www.cse.unt.edu/overrides. Please upload the instructor consent in the form.
Same as MATH 4810 and CSCE 4810 ; meets with BIOL 5810.
Course specific fees (in addition to tuition and mandatory): Academic (AF) per hour: $33.10
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