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    Sep 26, 2024  
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

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Computer Science and Engineering

  • CSCE 5933 - Topics in Computer Science and Engineering

    3 hours

    Advanced study of languages, files and processing techniques with applications selected from reservations systems, inventory systems and other administrative applications, process control, computer-assisted instruction, information storage and retrieval, artificial intelligence, heuristic programming and so forth, depending on class interest.

    Prerequisite(s): 6 hours advanced courses in computer programming.

    May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
  • CSCE 5934 - Directed Study

    1–4 hours

    Study of topics in computer science and engineering by individuals or small groups. A student taking CSCE 4890 or CSCE 5934 may work with other students taking these courses on the same topic if the faculty supervisor agrees. The student is to prepare a plan for study of a topic and a plan for evaluation of study achievements. Prior approval by the computer science and engineering department chair and a graduate faculty member who agrees to supervise the work is required for the plan.

    Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of computer science and engineering with a grade of A or B.

    Open to students with graduate standing who are capable of developing problems independently. May be repeated for credit.
  • CSCE 5950 - Master’s Thesis

    3 or 6 hours

    To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate school. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    May be repeated for credit.
  • CSCE 6050 - Advanced Topics in Cryptography

    3 hours

    Graduate students learn the theory of cryptography and recent developments in cryptography. Cryptography is concerned with the construction of schemes that should maintain a desired functionality, even under malicious attempts aimed at making them deviate from it. Students learn foundations for cryptographic algorithms and the paradigms, approaches and techniques used to conceptualize, define and provide solutions to national security concerns.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5050 .

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • CSCE 6213 - Advanced Topics in Modeling and Simulation

    3 hours

    Current research issues in both simulation methodology and applications are discussed. Distributed simulation, simulation support tools, object-oriented simulation, and artificial intelligence and simulation.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5213 

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • CSCE 6260 - Advanced Topics in Pattern Recognition and Image Processing

    3 hours

    Research and study of specific problems and advanced topics, including the principles and pragmatics of pattern recognition, digital image processing and analysis, and computer vision.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5215  or CSCE 5216  or CSCE 5225  or equivalent.

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • CSCE 6280 - Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence

    3 hours

    Current research issues and advanced topics involving both the principles and pragmatics within the area of artificial intelligence. Topics include, but are not limited to, knowledge representation, intelligent tutoring systems and semantic representation in natural language processing.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5210 .

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • CSCE 6290 - Advanced Topics in Human/Machine Intelligence

    3 hours

    Current topics in human/machine intelligence such as advanced research topics in machine learning, natural language processing, cognitive science, robot perception and intelligence, computer vision, intelligent systems, expert systems, data mining, and human-centered computing.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5000-level course as appropriate for topic and consent of instructor.

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
  • CSCE 6350 - Advanced Topics in Database Systems

    3 hours

    Topics in database theory and application. Data models, distributed databases, spatial databases, spatio-temporal databases, statistical databases, database machines, knowledge bases, database design theory and self-documenting databases.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
  • CSCE 6370 - Advanced Topics in Multimedia Database Systems

    3 hours

    Deals with issues in multimedia (audio, images and video); multimedia compression; multimedia operating systems; multimedia communications; multimedia indexing, querying and retrieving; and web database systems, which have experienced growth recently, and play important roles in the areas of business, entertainment, medicine and education. The goal of this course is to provide an in-depth understanding of multimedia processes with an emphasis on  issues pertaining to DBMS, operating systems and communications.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5350  or CSCE 5360 ; CSCE 5390 .

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • CSCE 6420 - Advanced Topics in Software Engineering

    3 hours

    Research and study of specific problems in the field of software engineering. Software development methodology, verification and reliability; software quality assurance and productivity; software engineering economics; models and metrics for software management and engineering; human performance engineering; and software configuration management and control.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5420  or CSCE 5430 .

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • CSCE 6450 - Advanced Topics in Programming Languages

    3 hours

    Current research issues in programming languages. Translation of programming languages, formal semantics and program verification, foundations of structured programming, abstraction, declarative systems and special-purpose languages.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5450 .

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • CSCE 6581 - Advanced Topics in Computer Networks

    3 hours

    Selected topics in computer networks. Study of current high-speed networks technology; design implementation and analysis of communication protocols; TCP/IP, routing protocols, quality of service and network security.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5580  or consent of department.

    May be repeated as topics vary.
  • CSCE 6585 - Advanced Topics in Network Security

    3 hours

    Analyze the security of networks and protocols. Topics include Opportunistic Security, increased TCP security, using TLS in applications, Security Automation and Continuous Monitoring (SCAM), enabling browser-to-browser audio and video conference (WEBRTC), software defined networks security, DTLS in constrained environments, wireless network security (4G/5G), and security of Internet of Things.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5550  or CSCE 5580 .

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • CSCE 6590 - Advanced Topics in Wireless Communications and Networks

    3 hours

    Research issues in the design of next generation wireless networks: cellular systems, medium access techniques, signaling, mobility management, control and management for mobile networks, wireless data networks, Internet mobility, quality-of-service for multimedia applications, caching for wireless web access, and ad hoc networks.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5510  or CSCE 5520 .

    May be repeated for credit.
  • CSCE 6610 - Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture

    3 hours

    Current research topics in computer system architecture, including research on multicore processors, memory systems, interconnection networks, energy efficient systems, and runtime system.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5610  or consent of department.

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
  • CSCE 6620 - Advanced Topics in Real-Time Operating Systems

    3 hours

    Seminar course intended to further the knowledge of operating systems design and development. Focuses on distributed and real-time systems, with scheduling, time, and security as the mainstays. This is an advanced graduate level course that covers in detail many advanced topics in operating system design and implementation. It starts with topics such as operating systems structuring, multi-threading and synchronization and then moves on to systems issues in parallel and distributed computing systems.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5620 .

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • CSCE 6640 - Advanced Topics in Operating Systems

    3 hours

    Current research issues and advanced topics involving both the principles and pragmatics of operating systems specification, design and implementation.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5640  or consent of department.

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • CSCE 6650 - Advanced Topics in Compiler Techniques

    3 hours

    Current research issues and advanced topics involving both the principles and pragmatics of compiler systems specification, design and implementation.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5650 .

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • CSCE 6731 - Advanced Topics in VLSI Systems

    3 hours

    Design, simulation, synthesis and optimization of nanoscale CMOS and nanoelectric based digital and analog/mixed-signal circuits and systems. Different topics are covered based on the theme. Two example themes are: “Nanoscale Mixed-Signal System Design” and “Low-Power Nanoelectronics.”

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 5730  or consent of instructor.

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
  • CSCE 6810 - Advanced Topics in Computational Life Science

    3 hours

    Current research topics related to computational life sciences such as bioinformatics, computational epidemiology and population models.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Same as BIOL 6810 .

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
  • CSCE 6900 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Independent study and research of a specific problem in a field of computer science and engineering. A report defining the problem and developing a solution is required. Problem chosen by the student with the approval of the supervising professor.

    Prerequisite(s): PhD status.

    May be repeated for credit with consent of department.
  • CSCE 6933 - Advanced Topics in Computer Science and Engineering

    3 hours

    Advanced topics and current research issues in computer science and engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • CSCE 6940 - Individual Research

    1–6 hours

    To be scheduled by the doctoral candidate engaged in research.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    May be repeated for credit.
  • CSCE 6950 - Doctoral Dissertation

    3, 6 or 9 hours

    To be scheduled only with consent of department. 12 hours credit required. No credit assigned until dissertation has been completed and filed with the graduate school. Doctoral students must maintain continuous enrollment in this course subsequent to passing qualifying examination for admission to candidacy.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    May be repeated for credit.


  • COUN 5000 - Filial/Family Therapy

    3 hours

    The use of play to incorporate the family system into the therapeutic process by training parents to be therapeutic agents in their children’s lives. Focuses on the utilization of play therapy skills in regularly scheduled parent-child structured play sessions in their own homes. How to train parents in the overall principles and methodology of child-centered play therapy is addressed.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5700 , COUN 5740  and COUN 5690  or consent of instructor. COUN 5690  may be taken concurrently.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5100 - Expressive Arts in the Counseling Process

    3 hours

    Study of the theoretical foundation, process and techniques of using the expressive arts in counseling diverse clients across the lifespan. Includes an extensive experiential component.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5690 ; must be taken concurrently with COUN 5720 /COUN 5721 .

  • COUN 5200 - Counseling Adolescents

    3 hours

    Counseling adolescents requires unique knowledge and skill. Course prepares counselors to work with young people ages 12–21. Focus on the nature and needs of adolescence along with effective strategies in counseling are explored.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of department.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5290 - Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

    3 hours

    History and philosophy of counseling and clinical mental health counseling and ethical, legal, professional, and emerging issues specific to clinical mental health counseling.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of department. COUN 5680 and COUN 5710 may be taken concurrently.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5300 - Systems, Leadership and Ethical Program Development in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

    3 hours

    Principles, practices and ethics of counseling in clinical mental health settings with special attention to counselor functions, services, leadership, ethical program development and ethical program evaluation.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5290 , COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of department.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5400 - Planning and Organizing Comprehensive Career Programs

    3 hours

    Study of the purposes and functions of a comprehensive career development program; components of a comprehensive career program; techniques for providing comprehensive career programs to junior high, middle school, secondary and adult students.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • COUN 5410 - History and Current Trends in Comprehensive Career Counseling Programs

    3 hours

    Overview of the history of career counseling. Special attention will be focused upon current trends in the field of comprehensive career counseling.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680 , COUN 5710 .

  • COUN 5420 - Vocational Student Identification, Placement and Follow-up

    3 hours

    Focus on the process of identification and assessment of learner’s interests and aptitudes; various instruments, methods and techniques used in assessment are examined. Particular emphasis is given to special needs learners, including at-risk youth and other targeting populations.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • COUN 5460 - Program Development, Leadership and Ethics in School Counseling

    3 hours

    Introduction to the school counseling profession. Covers ethical standards, leadership and advocacy strategies, and development and management of the comprehensive developmental guidance program.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of department. COUN 5680 and COUN 5710 may be taken concurrently.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5470 - Career Development and Information Resources

    3 hours

    Survey of career development and counseling with emphasis on the occupational, career and educational information service.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5480 - Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Counseling

    3 hours

    Principles of culturally sensitive biopsychosocial assessment and case conceptualization leading to appropriate counseling treatment plans or referral within a managed care framework. Diagnosis according to the most recent edition of the DSM and evidence-based treatment planning are studied.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of department.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5490 - Abnormal Behavior: Effects of Trauma and Crisis Intervention

    3 hours

    Provides the basic theoretical foundations of trauma and crisis intervention, including the effects of crisis and traumatic events on the development of abnormal behaviors. Principles of crisis intervention during trauma-causing events as well as treatment of long-term trauma-related effects are examined. Students learn crisis theory, crisis intervention models, and practical skills for effective crisis intervention in response to traumatic events. In addition, students learn long-term interventions for trauma-related symptoms.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of department.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5520 - Counseling for Wellness

    3 hours

    Introduction to wellness counseling. Characteristics of optimal health and human functioning and implications for counselors. Practical application of theoretically and empirically supported wellness models and counseling interventions to address coping, stress reduction, relaxation, physical health, social well-being and spirituality.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5710  and COUN 5680 , or consent of instructor.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5530 - Animal-Assisted Therapy

    3 hours

    Animal-assisted therapy is the incorporation of qualified animals into a therapeutic environment. Explores techniques to facilitate animal-assisted therapeutic interventions in a variety of settings, including schools, counseling agencies, hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, prisons and facilities for individuals with developmental disabilities. A variety of animals can be suitable for therapy programs. The student need not have an animal or pet to take the course.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5540 - Women’s Emotional Health

    3 hours

    Examination of counseling intervention techniques that are effective with women who have emotional, physical or spiritual health concerns. Such concerns may include, but are not limited to, victims of domestic violence or rape; survivors of childhood abuse; and sufferers of eating disorders, body-image dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, cancer, premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5550 - Biofeedback and Relaxation Therapy

    3 hours

    Introduction to the use of biofeedback technology for the control of psychophysiological functions. Covers basic principles of psychophysiological self-regulation and mind-body interaction, basic biofeedback systems and instrumentation, treatment applications, professional conduct and personal experience using biofeedback.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of instructor.

  • COUN 5560 - Practicum in Biofeedback

    3 hours

    Experiential training and practice utilizing biofeedback interventions and instrumentation in counseling. Requires personal experience in using therapeutic biofeedback methods for self and others.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5550  or consent of instructor.

  • COUN 5561 - Advanced Practicum in Biofeedback

    3 hours

    Experiential training and practice utilizing biofeedback and neurofeedback interventions and instrumentation in counseling settings. Requires personal experience in using therapeutic biofeedback and neurofeedback methods for self and others.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5550 , COUN 5560  or consent of instructor.

    Offered once per year.
  • COUN 5570 - Teachers as Human Relations Facilitators

    3 hours

    Emphasis on methodological approaches and activities designed to develop the ability to facilitate interpersonal relations in the classroom.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • COUN 5580 - Family Counseling

    3 hours

    Application of family systems theory to the study of family dynamics, family development and the resolution of family conflicts.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of department.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5590 - Couple Counseling

    3 hours

    Application of relationship counseling theory to the study of individual development, interpersonal relationships, marital systems and conflict resolution.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of department.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5600 - Counseling in Secondary Schools

    3 hours

    Principles and practices of individual counseling, group counseling, guidance and consultation in the secondary school as part of the overall comprehensive developmental guidance program.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5460 .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5610 - Addiction Counseling

    3 hours

    Etiology and principles of addiction as well as counseling practices relevant to substance abuse and addiction counseling.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and  COUN 5710 , or consent of the department.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5620 - Dreamwork in Counseling

    3 hours

    Theory, research and experiential training and practice in the use of dreamwork as an adjunct to counseling with adolescents and adults.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680 , COUN 5710 .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5630 - Transpersonal Perspective in Counseling

    3 hours

    Theory, major figures and research in the field of transpersonal psychology as it pertains to counseling. The transpersonal perspective is based on the assumption that humans have the potential to develop beyond the “mere” healthy ego into stages often conceptualized as spiritual. Intuitive, paranormal and mystical experiences along with the expansion of identity beyond the self are examined.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680 , COUN 5710  .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5640 - Play-Based Group and Family Counseling

    3 hours

    Philosophy and rationale for group work with children, preadolescents, and their families. Focuses on the goals of group and family play/activity therapy, the role of the play therapist, screening and selection of group members, the use of expressive arts activities at various developmental stages, and planning and structuring group and family sessions.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5690 , COUN 5700  and COUN 5740  or consent of instructor. COUN 5690  may be taken concurrently.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5650 - Advanced Skills in Play Therapy

    3 hours

    Competency-based course with experiential emphasis. Students are required to demonstrate proficiency in play therapy principles and practices. Students engage in the advanced study and application of play therapy, including theories of play therapy, application of advanced play therapy skills, parent consultation, and other special topics.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5700  and COUN 5760  or consent of instructor.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5660 - Advanced Counseling Skills

    3 hours

    Competency-based course with experiential emphasis. The student is required to demonstrate proficiency in counseling concepts and techniques before proceeding to COUN 5690 .

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5290 , COUN 5670 , COUN 5680 , COUN 5710  and COUN 5790 , or consent of department.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5670 - Developmental Processes and Strategies

    3 hours

    Principles and practices of human development as they relate to counseling processes and strategies. Opportunity for practical application of strategies is provided.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of department.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5680 - Essential Skills in Counseling

    3 hours

    Study of selected basic techniques of counseling.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course should be taken concurrently with COUN 5710 .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.

  • COUN 5690 - Practicum in Counseling

    3 hours

    Provides actual counseling experience with a variety of clients and problems. Requires a minimum of 100 total hours in counseling-related activities including a minimum of 40 direct client contact hours.

    Prerequisite(s): All required degree courses in counseling program including track specific courses with the exception of electives, COUN 5300 COUN 5770 , COUN 5780 ; COUN 5720  and COUN 5721 . COUN 5740  may be taken concurrently. Exceptions are on a case-by-case basis.

    With the exception of COUN 5700 , students may take an elective concurrently.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.

  • COUN 5700 - Introduction to Play Therapy

    3 hours

    Enhancing the counseling relationship with children by utilizing play media to facilitate expression, self-understanding, and personal growth and development. Observation of and supervised experience in play therapy with children are an integral part of the course.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5123  or COUN 5670 , COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of instructor.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5710 - Counseling Theories

    3 hours

    Required upon first resident registration in program for master’s degree. The course focuses on professional orientation, selected theories of counseling as they apply to normal and abnormal behavior and self-awareness through individual and group counseling. Degree plans are developed.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Course should be taken concurrently with COUN 5680 .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.

  • COUN 5720 - Internship in Counseling I

    3–5 hours

    Supervised experience in counseling in schools, colleges or agencies. Requires a minimum of 300 total hours in counseling-related activities including a minimum of 120 direct client contact hours. This experience is designed to meet practicum requirements for Texas LPC and School Counselor Certification.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5690 .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5721 - Internship in Counseling II

    3–5 hours

    Supervised experience in counseling in schools, colleges or agencies. Requires a minimum of 300 total hours in counseling-related activities including a minimum of 120 direct client contact hours. This experience is designed to meet practicum requirements for Texas LPC and School Counselor Certification.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5720 .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5730 - Appraisal in Adult Counseling

    3 hours

    Study of appraisal concepts and various instruments, methods and techniques that may be used to assess the strengths, limitations and behavioral patterns of individual clients.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of department.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5740 - Group Counseling Theories and Procedures

    3 hours

    Group dynamics and major approaches to group counseling with emphasis on how to start a group counseling program, how to counsel effectively with groups and how to evaluate results. Development of skills of group membership, leadership and working with groups are stressed.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5660  or consent of department.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5750 - Professional Orientation, Ethics and College Student Development Theories

    3 hours

    History and philosophy of professional counseling and ethical, legal, professional and emerging issues specific to student affairs and college counseling. Study of student development theory as it relates to students in higher education and student affairs practice.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and COUN 5710  or consent of department. COUN 5680 and COUN 5710 may be taken concurrently.

  • COUN 5760 - Appraisal in Child and Adolescent Counseling

    3 hours

    Study of appraisal concepts and various instruments, procedures, methods and techniques used to assess learning and behavioral patterns of children.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of department.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5770 - Professional School Counseling

    3 hours

    Principles and practice of individual counseling, group counseling, counseling core curriculum, and consultation in elementary and secondary schools as part of the overall comprehensive developmental professional school counseling program. 

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5460 .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5780 - The Student in Higher Education

    3 hours

    Focus on the nature and needs of the college student including older adolescent, young adults and returning adults. Reviews of demographic data about diversity of college populations, the changing relationship of students to colleges, the nature of student communities and the diverse patterns of structure and function by which colleges individualize education and provide for student affairs practice.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  or consent of department.

  • COUN 5790 - Counseling Culturally Diverse Clients

    3 hours

    Development of counseling skills and strategies based upon the special needs and characteristics of culturally and ethnically diverse clients.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680  and COUN 5710 , or consent of department.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 5795 - Race and Ethnicity in Education

    3 hours

    Examination of the basic constructs of race and ethnicity and analysis of how these constructs impact social, cultural, historical and educational environments.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • COUN 5800 - Studies in Education

    1–3 hours

    Organized classes specifically designed to accommodate the needs of students and the demands of program development that are not met by the regular offerings. Short courses and workshops that concern themselves with specified topics, repeated only upon demand.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    May be repeated for credit.
  • COUN 5900 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Open to graduate students who are capable of developing a problem independently. Problems chosen by the student and approved in advance by the instructor and department chair.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • COUN 5910 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Open to graduate students who are capable of developing a problem independently. Problems chosen by the student and approved in advance by the instructor and department chair.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • COUN 5930 - Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis

    3 hours

    Research dealing with significant problems in the field of counseling.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • COUN 6033 - Advanced Teaching Internship in Counselor Education

    3 hours

    Internship experience designed to give doctoral students the opportunity to gain advanced professional experiences specific to students’ career goals. Students gain experience teaching a counseling class under the direct supervision of counseling program faculty.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 6021, COUN 6651 , COUN 6652 .

  • COUN 6060 - Personal Growth Laboratory

    3 hours

    Small group counseling experience designed to facilitate members’ realistic assessment of strengths and weaknesses in the emotional, intellectual and physical dimensions. Goal setting and creation of workable courses of action are encouraged.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5740 . Consent of instructor.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6070 - Practicum in Group Counseling

    3 hours

    Intensive exploration of the dynamics of interpersonal relationships through supervised experience as the facilitator of counseling groups. Students will examine in depth their approach to group leadership in weekly seminar sessions.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5690 , COUN 5740 . Consent of instructor.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6080 - Seminar in Group Procedures and Group Counseling

    3 hours

    Critical analysis of group counseling and various group approaches, such as interpersonal process and other modalities applicable to working with groups. The seminar group explores the underlying theory of various approaches, participates as a group in the experience and then critiques the experience.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5740 . Consent of instructor.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6090 - Counselor Supervision

    3 hours

    Critique of the literature in counselor supervision with discussion and didactic emphasis on the role of the counselor supervisor in the dynamics of supervisory relationships. Laboratory supervising master’s-level students in a clinical counseling course.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 6220 , COUN 6651 , COUN 6680 .

    Corequisite(s): Taken concurrently with COUN 6230 .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6110 - Seminar in Career Development

    3 hours

    Analysis of the major theories of career development; relationship to major counseling movements, the psychology of career development and human resource development in business and industry are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5470  or consent of instructor.

  • COUN 6120 - Qualitative Research in Counseling Specialty Areas

    3 hours

    Provides thorough analysis of qualitative research relevant to each doctoral student’s specialty area: adolescent/adult counseling, career/vocational development, college counseling, couple and family counseling, group counseling, play therapy, rehabilitation counseling, or school counseling. 

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6020 .

  • COUN 6125 - Quantitative Research in Counseling Specialty Area

    3 hours

    Provides thorough analysis of past quantitative research conducted in, and application of research principles to current quantitative research in, each doctoral student’s specialty area: adolescent/adult counseling, career/vocational development, college counseling, couple and family counseling, group counseling, play therapy, rehabilitation counseling, or school counseling.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6010 .

  • COUN 6130 - Research in Counseling

    3 hours

    Survey and analysis of existing research and research methodology in counseling. A review of the literature in selected areas is required. Major research reports are evaluated for methodological strengths and weaknesses.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6010 , EPSY 6020  and all doctoral core classes except COUN 6260 . Strongly encouraged to have completed at least one other research tool course.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6140 - Advanced Multicultural Counseling

    3 hours

    Study of advanced practice of multicultural counseling and of implications for counselor preparation and supervision.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to doctoral program in counseling or consent of instructor. See Counseling Doctoral Program Handbook for sequencing requirements.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6150 - Advanced Crisis Counseling

    1 hour

    Study of advanced practice related to crisis, disaster and trauma-causing events and of implications for counselor preparation and supervision.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to doctoral program in counseling or consent of instructor. See Counseling Doctoral Program Handbook for sequencing requirements.

  • COUN 6155 - Applying Quantitative Research Concepts in Play Therapy

    3 hours

    Designed to provide thorough analysis of past research conducted in play therapy and application of research principles to current play therapy research. Students review historical play therapy and synthesize findings. Students review research methods commonly used in play therapy and analyze their utility. Application of current research methods and statistical analyses are applied to play therapy intervention designs.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5700 , COUN 6220 , EPSY 6010  or EPSY 6020 .

  • COUN 6220 - Counseling Principles and Process I

    3 hours

    Principles and supervised practice of advanced skills in counseling and consultation for counselor educators, including consistent implementation of counseling theory.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to doctoral program in counseling.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6230 - Counseling Principles and Process II

    3 hours

    Principles and supervised practice of advanced skills in counseling and systems theory for counselor educators, including consistent implementation of counseling theory.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 6220 , COUN 6651 , COUN 6680 .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6240 - Counseling Principles and Process III

    3 hours

    Principles and supervised practice of advanced skills in counseling and career development for counselor educators, including consistent implementation of theory.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 6090 , COUN 6230 .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6250 - Counseling Principles and Process IV

    3 hours

    Principles and supervised practice of advanced skills in counseling and crisis intervention approaches for counselor educators, including consistent implementation of counseling theory.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 6240 , COUN 6653 .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6260 - Counseling Principles and Process V

    3 hours

    Principles and supervised practice of advanced skills in counseling, including capstone attention to consistent implementation of counseling theory.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 6250 .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6630 - Advanced Play Therapy

    3 hours

    Seminar approach to an analysis of the rationale for play therapy in counseling. In-depth study of basic theories of play therapy and the variables that affect the helping relationship. Focus also is upon the counselor’s own unique contribution to the relationship and the emotional needs of children.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 5700  or consent of instructor.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6651 - Advanced Theories of Counseling

    3 hours

    In-depth study of the major theories of counseling, including the philosophical and psychological assumptions that underlie them.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6652 - Teaching Counselor Education

    3 hours

    Principles and practices of teaching in counselor education with attention to learning theories, curriculum design, and special topics of particular interest to counselor educators. Includes attention to methods for course and program evaluation.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to doctoral program in counseling or consent of instructor. See Counseling Doctoral Program Handbook for sequencing requirements.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6653 - Counselor Identity: Integration of Theory and Practice

    3 hours

    Study of emerging theories of and approaches to counseling, and integration with personal and professional knowledge and experience, culminating in each student’s identification and articulation of one’s guiding theory of counseling and counselor education.

    Prerequisite(s): COUN 6090 , COUN 6230 .

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6680 - Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues in Counseling

    3 hours

    Focus on theoretical and research literature concerned with ethical, legal and professional issues relating to counseling, counselor education and counselor supervision.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to doctoral program in counseling or consent of instructor. See Counseling Doctoral Program Handbook for sequencing requirements.

    Counseling Program Policy requires that students earn grades of A or B on all degree-plan courses.
  • COUN 6900 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Research by doctoral students in fields of special interest. Includes project research studies and intensive reading programs. Conferences with professors in the fields also are included. Problems must be approved in advance by instructor and department chair.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • COUN 6910 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Research by doctoral students in fields of special interest. Includes project research studies and intensive reading programs. Conferences with professors in the fields also are included. Problems must be approved in advance by instructor and department chair.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • COUN 6950 - Doctoral Dissertation

    3, 6 or 9 hours

    To be scheduled only with consent of department. 9 hours credit required. No credit assigned until dissertation has been completed and filed with the graduate school. Doctoral students must maintain continuous enrollment in this course subsequent to passing qualifying examination for admission to candidacy.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    May be repeated for credit.

Criminal Justice

  • CJUS 5000 - Criminal Justice Policy

    3 hours

    Methods of policy formulation, implementation and analysis in the criminal justice setting. Selected topics developed for practical research and evaluation.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • CJUS 5050 - Criminals and Substance Abuse

    3 hours

    Investigation, analysis and discussion of the relationships between substance abuse and criminal and juvenile offenders.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • CJUS 5100 - Information Warfare, Security and Risk Analysis

    3 hours

    In-depth examination of information warfare, the management of information security and the analysis of risk within organizational contexts.

    Prerequisite(s): None.


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