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    Sep 26, 2024  
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

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Educational Leadership

  • EDLE 5500 - Internship in Educational Administration

    3 hours

    Provision for on-the-job experiences and professional studies in administration and supervision as directed by the student’s major advisor. Internship requires 160 hours of administrative duties at an EC-12 school.

    Prerequisite(s): A master’s degree, at least 2 years of experience as the teacher of record at an EC-12 school, and a teaching certificate.

    Required for Texas Principal Certificate. Not applicable to degree programs.
  • EDLE 5550 - Computer Applications for Educational Administrators

    3 hours

    Study and analysis of the use of technology in the administration of education with emphasis on using microcomputer applications to facilitate administrative activities; planning for the incorporation of technology into district/campuswide instructional programs; and promoting education via the use of technology.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 5600 - Race, Class and Gender Issues in Education

    3 hours

    Race, class and gender inequities exist throughout educational systems. Students critically examine issues related to providing leadership for a diverse student population. Students learn what it means to be a culturally responsive leader and to review, research and debunk stereotypes and negative views. Students begin to recognize all learners as capable, motivated, resilient and able to build on cultural strengths. Strategies for school change are also explored.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 5610 - School Communications and Public Relations

    3 hours

    Every administrator in an educational organization has a responsibility to engage in public relations on a daily basis. The primary objective of this course is to examine school-based public relations with the context of life in an information age, practice in schools shared decision making, and sustained demands for school improvement. Students study three critical dimensions of school public relations: informing the public; modifying attitudes and opinions; and integrating the actions and attitudes of an organization with those of its public.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 5620 - Administration and Leadership for Student Educational Services

    3 hours

    Designed to investigate the values, theoretical bases, best practices and challenges for leaders who administer student educational services at the school or district levels. Provides a review of federal laws, rules, regulations and expectations for students placed at risk in educational settings by circumstances and situations beyond their control. Emphasis on students who are educationally disadvantaged because of poverty, language differences, disabilities, interests and academic performance or lack thereof.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 5630 - Organizational Change and School Improvement

    3 hours

    School change and improvement from the perspectives of classical/rational organizational theory, open systems theory, contingency theory and social systems theories. Content includes research on school change and school improvement, strategic planning, effects of major reform initiatives in the 1980s and 1990s, and the development of the literature review in a research study.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 5650 - Professional Development and Supervision

    3 hours

    Provides students with knowledge, interpersonal skills and technical skills to supervise human resource activities at the building level. Students learn how to implement models of hiring, appraisal, developmental supervision, clinical supervision and coaching.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 5670 - Leading and Sustaining Educational Communities for Professional Learning

    3 hours

    Investigation of the design, implementation, and maintenance of successful learning communities that result in improved educational practice in K-12 schools. Emphasis is on relevant dimensions of the culture, which include leadership, vision, personal factors, contextual conditions, and application of learning.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 5680 - Administration of the K–12 Curriculum

    3 hours

    Examines the interaction among curriculum, instruction and assessment at site, district and national levels. Theoretical knowledge as well as site and district based curricular projects are included. The student develops an understanding of the critical importance of research based yet practical curriculum alignment and coordinated planning in school reform and improvement.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 5700 - Educational Leadership Applications

    3 hours

    Comprehensive view of educational leadership with an emphasis on the application of leadership competencies.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 5800 - Studies in Education

    1–3 hours

    Organized classes specifically designed to accommodate the needs of students and the demands of program development that are not met by the regular offerings. Short courses and workshops on specific topics are offered on a limited basis, to be repeated only upon demand.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    May be repeated for credit.
  • EDLE 5810 - Studies in Education

    1–3 hours

    Organized classes specifically designed to accommodate the needs of students and the demands of program development that are not met by the regular offerings. Short courses and workshops on specific topics are offered on a limited basis, to be repeated only upon demand.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    May be repeated for credit.
  • EDLE 5900 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Open to graduate students who are capable of developing a problem independently. Problems chosen by the student and approved in advance by the instructor and the department chair.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 5905 - Professional Practice

    1-3 hours

    Required for graduate students who have been approved to receive an Intern (Probationary) Principal Certificate. This course cannot substitute for EDLE 5500 - Internship in Educational Administration .

    Prerequisite(s): Approval by Educational Leadership Program faculty and an accredited school district.

    Restricted course approval required. Contact Educational Leadership Program.
  • EDLE 6031 - Internship Under Practicing School Administrator

    3 hours

    Provision for on-the-job experience or professional study in administration or supervision as directed by student’s major adviser.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Limited to 6 hours in doctoral degree program. Required for Texas professional certificate for school administration. Not applicable to degree programs.
  • EDLE 6032 - Practicum or Field Problem

    3 hours

    Provision for on-the-job experience or professional study in administration or supervision as directed by student’s major adviser.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Limited to 6 hours in doctoral degree program.  An elective for doctoral candidates in administrative leadership.
  • EDLE 6033 - Internship Under School Superintendent

    3 hours

    Provision for on-the-job experience or professional study in administration or supervision as directed by student’s major advisor. Internship requires 160 hours of experience.

    Prerequisite(s): Principal’s certificate.

    Limited to 3 hours in doctoral degree program. Required for Texas professional certificate for superintendent. Not applicable to degree programs.
  • EDLE 6100 - Theories of Organizational Development and Reform

    3 hours

    Study of major theories of organizational development and change that provide foundations for educational administration and leadership. Connections are made among theory, research and practice.

    Prerequisite(s): Any one of EPSY 5050 , EPSY 5210 , EPSY 6120 , and EPSY 6020 , or consent of instructor.

  • EDLE 6110 - Advanced Theory and Research in Administration

    3 hours

    Contemporary inquiry in educational administration. Examines the impact of positivism, subjectivism and functionalism and their critics on recent research on school organization and administration.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 6130 - Cultural Foundations in Educational Leadership

    3 hours

    Doctoral seminar on issues of policy, structures and practices in educational leadership specific to cultural diversity in a K-12 setting. Explores the cause and consequences of inequities in society and in K-12 specifically and the effect on educator/student and family relationships and academic success.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 6150 - Ethics, Social Justice and Policy

    3 hours

    Doctoral seminar designed to provide advanced experience in current research and problems of practice that involve the interdependency of ethics, social justice and policy specific to an EC–12 setting. Provides students with a strong conceptual foundation in theories that enhance equity in terms of access, student outcomes, and institutional culture. 

    Prerequisite(s): EDLE 6130 .

  • EDLE 6160 - Professional Learning Communities: Research and Practice

    3 hours

    Use of current research and practice to investigate the characteristics of professional learning community (PLC) theory and application in EC–12 school settings. Students examine current learning community literature and analyze available practical application strategies in schools. Also addresses adult learning theory and applies that to collaborative real world education context for the purpose of school improvement and student achievement.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 6200 - Current Issues in Educational Administration

    3 hours

    Doctoral seminar on issues of policy and practice in educational administration. Addresses value orientations, relevant research and policy considerations that shape decisions.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 6310 - Research Practicum

    3 hours

    Students conduct a research project designed to generate or test theory.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLE 6110  and consent of instructor.

    May be repeated for credit.
  • EDLE 6400 - Politics of Educational Administration

    3 hours

    Focuses on politics as it impacts educational administration. Starting with an exploration of the political systems model as a means of analysis, the course examines educational policy development at the local, state and federal levels. The roles of change agents, interest groups, lobbyists, the media and other political players are examined. Implications for administrative behavior are discussed. Much of the analysis is conducted through case studies and study of current educational issues.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 6450 - Public School Finance, Business Management, and Facilities

    3 hours

    Provides students an overview of the interrelated aspects of school finance, business management, and facilities development. Relates concepts from the fields of economics, business, law, and political science to the public school environment. As future superintendents, students use real-world situations to apply skills in budgeting, school business management, and facilities management, including new school construction.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLE 5400 .

  • EDLE 6510 - Seminar in Advanced Education Law

    3 hours

    Builds on the content of the prerequisite course by focusing on legal and policy issues of particular concern to top-level educational policymakers and administrators. Topics include such complex issues as the role of the state in education, parental rights, school choice and vouchers, privatization, religion on campus, and legal liability for constitutional wrongs. Topics vary, depending upon the current school reform agenda. Underlying concerns that drive the development of legal mandates in schooling are explored.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLE 5390  or equivalent.

  • EDLE 6520 - Personnel Administration in the Public Schools

    3 hours

    Principles and practices of personnel administration. Emphasis on recruitment, selection, deployment, evaluation, staff development, manpower planning and employee relations in the public schools.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 6530 - Educational Facilities

    3 hours

    Planning, design, construction, maintenance and evaluation of educational facilities. Develops awareness and skills related to population projections, needs assessment, educational specifications, site selection, rehabilitation of buildings, maintenance and operation of educational facilities, and building evaluation surveys.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 6540 - Education and Public Relations

    3 hours

    Principles and practices of public relations applied to education. Designed to provide proficiency and skill in the improvement of relations between the school and the public through interaction and utilization of political, community and human resources and other social institutions in the organization, and improvement of public education.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 6550 - Business Administration of the Public Schools

    3 hours

    Organization of the business management function in the public schools, including internal structure, office and personnel management, budgeting maintenance and operation, transportation, food services, legal relationships, insurance and safety.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLE 5400  or consent of instructor.

  • EDLE 6570 - Seminar in Advanced Educational Finance

    3 hours

    Problems and issues involved in financing the public schools. The context and methodology of the course are suitable for educators working at all levels in the public schools and are directly relevant to their current problems and needs.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLE 5400  or consent of instructor.

  • EDLE 6580 - Administration and Supervision of the Instructional Program

    3 hours

    Major issues, problems and trends in the EC–12 curriculum, from an administrative and supervisory point of view. Special emphasis is given to the role of organizational leadership and to strategies for stimulating, implementing and evaluating alternatives in curriculum and instruction.

    Prerequisite(s): Any one of EDLE 5680 , EDCI 5320 , and EDEE 5400 /EDSE 5400 , or consent of instructor.

  • EDLE 6590 - The Superintendency

    3 hours

    An advanced course dealing with the basic functions of the superintendency — planning, programming, communicating and evaluating — and the current issues and problems confronting the practicing educational administrator.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLE 5330  or consent of instructor.

  • EDLE 6600 - Writing and Research Design for Educational Leadership

    3 hours

    Development of a proposal for research in the field of educational leadership. Students are guided in conceptualizing and designing a study and will draft a paper that includes a rationale, a literature review, and a description of proposed research design and methods.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6010 , EPSY 6020 , and four core educational leadership courses.

  • EDLE 6900 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Research by doctoral students in fields of special interest. Includes project research studies and intensive reading programs. Conferences with professors in the fields also are included.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 6910 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Research by doctoral students in fields of special interest. Includes project research studies and intensive reading programs. Conferences with professors in the fields also are included.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDLE 6950 - Doctoral Dissertation

    3, 6 or 9 hours

    To be scheduled only with consent of department. 12 hours credit required. No credit assigned until dissertation has been completed and filed with the graduate school. Doctoral students must maintain continuous enrollment in this course subsequent to passing qualifying examination for admission to candidacy.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    May be repeated for credit.

Educational Psychology

  • EPSY 5000 - Introduction to Educational Psychology

    3 hours

    Review of theories and applications of educational psychology; basic concepts in learning, cognition, development and their applications to teaching and learning context.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5033 - Practicum, Field Experience or Internship

    3–6 hours

    Mentored professional activities, including consultation, clinical intervention or conducting research.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Registration is on an individual basis. May be repeated for credit.
  • EPSY 5040 - Post-Baccalaureate Student Teaching

    3 hours

    Teaching under supervision. Designed for UNT post-baccalaureate teacher certification candidates. Supervision is provided by UNT faculty and support from a school-based mentor teacher.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    May be repeated for credit.
  • EPSY 5041 - Post-Baccalaureate Student Teaching

    3 hours

    Teaching under supervision. Designed to meet the needs of post-baccalaureate candidates in the Department of Educational Psychology. Supervision is provided by UNT faculty with support from school-based mentors.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

  • EPSY 5050 - Foundations of Educational Research Methodology

    3 hours

    Overview of the process of conducting research, from formulating research questions to sampling, data collection, analysis and drawing inferences. The main focus is on being able to understand, evaluate and utilize published research, both qualitative and quantitative. Final product is a detailed critique of published research. 

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5100 - Field Research in Educational Psychology and Special Education

    3 hours

    Design and conduct an applied/action research project; basic concepts in reviewing literature, collecting and analyzing data in designated professional setting.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5050  or equivalent.

  • EPSY 5105 - Nature and Needs of the Gifted and Talented Student

    3 hours

    Introduction to the intellectual, social, emotional and educational characteristics and needs of gifted, talented and creative individuals. Includes study of varied conceptions of gifted, talented and creative research findings.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5110 - Social and Emotional Components of Giftedness

    3 hours

    Review of current research on affective growth and potential adjustment problems of gifted youth. Addresses vocational concerns, self-concept and self-esteem, the teacher’s role in preventing or remediating affective problems related to giftedness, and potential parenting or family problems.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5113 - Developmental and Family Theory

    3 hours

    Survey of classic and contemporary theories in the fields of human development and family studies, including the role of theory in empirical investigation, conceptual frameworks, strategies of theory building, and an examination of theoretical perspectives useful in the study of behavior.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5120 - Program Planning for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students

    3 hours

    Instruments and procedures for identification of gifted, talented and creative students. Major curriculum and program models; evaluation of programs.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5123 - Human Development Across the Life Span

    3 hours

    Processes and stages that individuals undergo as they progress from birth through old age and death are studied from a human ecological perspective. Developmental tasks and concepts are explored.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5130 - Methods and Curriculum for Teaching Gifted and Talented Students

    3 hours

    Curriculum theory, methods and materials to meet the special educational needs of gifted, talented and creative children. Strategies for individual assessment, modification of standard curriculum, design of instructional materials and classroom organization for grades K–12. Includes theories and models of creativity and higher-level thinking.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5133 - Infant and Child Development

    3 hours

    Findings and implications of current theory and research in emotional, social, cognitive, language, physical and perceptual development from birth through infancy and middle childhood.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5140 - Creativity in the Classroom

    3 hours

    Provides an overview of the creative process and empirical evidences of developing creative thinking and creative production in elementary and secondary classrooms. Students examine creative personality, the effects of environment on creative thinking, and learning design supportive of creative thinking. As part of the gifted and talented education program, students also examine the role of creative pedagogy in gifted and advanced academic programs.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5143 - Advanced Adolescent Development

    3 hours

    Focus on early and late adolescent development based on physiological, socioemotional, and cognitive changes. Application of theories and research particularly as related to cultural, neurological, academic, and social changes and their implications for adolescent functioning and later adult developmental outcomes.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5153 - Developmental Change Across Adulthood

    3 hours

    Theories and research regarding developmental growth and change from emerging adulthood through old age. Topics of study and discussion focus on aspects of physical, cognitive, social, moral, and emotional development across adulthood; how they interact; and cross-cultural issues related to the study of adulthood.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5210 - Educational Statistics

    3 hours

    Descriptive and inferential statistical concepts and techniques commonly used in educational research. Organization of data, graphical representation, measures of central tendency and variability, normal distribution curve, sampling theory and tests of significant differences between related and independent samples.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5211 - Families in Crisis

    1 hour

    Defines what is meant by family crises, identifies some of the major theoretical frameworks for studying families in crises, considers major life transitions, and explores the major catastrophic crises families face, including death and dying. Also examines resources and strengths that enable families to deal with crises more adequately.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5213 .

  • EPSY 5213 - Child Life Seminar

    3 hours

    Provide historical and theoretical perspective on the development of the child life field and information on fundamental skills required to help children and families cope with the stress of the healthcare experience.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    Meets with DFST 4213.

  • EPSY 5221 - Ethics in the Child Life Profession

    1 hour

    Includes knowledge and application of ethical principles for the benefit and protection of infants, children, youth and families, and the Child Life Specialist in settings where potential for damaging stress or trauma exists. The principles are in accordance with the Code of Professional Practice required for Child Life Professionals by the Child Life Council.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5213 .

  • EPSY 5231 - Medical Terminology and Human Anatomy

    1 hour

    Provides a foundation in essential medical terminology and human anatomy for the child life specialist.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5213 .

  • EPSY 5233 - Normative Play in the Hospital Setting

    3 hours

    Historical foundations of normative play in the hospital setting along with current research on how play affects the development and psychosocial well-being of the hospitalized child. Methods, environments and challenges of working with children in hospital settings are examined.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5133 .

  • EPSY 5240 - Survey Research Methods in Education

    3 hours

    History of surveys, information needs, sampling design, instrumentation data collection, data processing and report generation.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5250 - Grant Proposal Writing Techniques

    3 hours

    Investigation of state and federal grant funding sources. Introduction to and application of grant proposal writing techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5323 - Parent and Family Education

    3 hours

    Empirical knowledge and skills required for education and leadership of parents and families. Overview of major theoretical and programmatic approaches to parent and family education. Application of models and techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5413  or equivalent. 

  • EPSY 5350 - Foundations of Psychoeducational Measurement

    3 hours

    Introduces issues in psychoeducational testing and measurement, including needs assessment, item/test construction, item/test evaluation and use of measurement results for assessment, placement, and intervention purposes. Includes discussions of measurement in diverse and bilingual populations and social, cultural issues in text utilization.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5413 - Family Relationships

    3 hours

    Analysis of the influences that affect modern family life; consideration of variant family forms.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5443 - Family Economics and Management

    3 hours

    Theories, models and research related to family resource management. Family economic issues, public policy, consumer issues, work/life issues. Consideration of diverse family cultures, values and attitudes as factors in family resource management.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5413  or equivalent.

  • EPSY 5453 - Family Law and Policy

    3 hours

    Laws and policies affecting families. Attention is paid to the major child and family policy domains, the current major research developments in each domain, and the relevant policy debate from a family science perspective.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5550 - Learning Theories

    3 hours

    Examination of theories of learning and their applications to teaching and learning contexts.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 5800 - Studies of Educational Psychology

    3 hours

    Organized class specifically designed to accommodate the needs of students and the demand of program development that are not met by regular offerings.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    May be repeated for credit.
  • EPSY 5900 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Open to graduate students who are capable of developing a problem independently. Problems chosen by the student and developed through conferences with the instructor.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

  • EPSY 5910 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Open to graduate students who are capable of developing a problem independently. Problems chosen by the student and developed through conferences with the instructor.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

  • EPSY 5990 - Supervised Research or Program Evaluation

    3 hours

    Capstone for the MS in educational psychology, incorporates the knowledge and skills acquired in the appropriate concentration of the master’s, and provides an opportunity to explore solutions to applied problems through conducting research or evaluating programs under the supervision of a faculty advisor.

    Prerequisite(s): Taken the last semester of course work.

  • EPSY 6005 - Statistical Theory and Simulations

    3 hours

    Statistical theory and simulation of statistical distributions. Topics include factors affecting sampling distributions, sampling from different distributions, Chebyshev’s theorem, Central Limit Theorem, probability distributions, statistical distributions (normal, t, chi-square, correlation, regression), Power (sample size, Type I error, Type II error, confidence interval, effect size), Monte Carlo, meta-analysis, bootstrap and jackknife techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6010  and EPSY 6210 .

  • EPSY 6010 - Statistics for Educational Research

    3 hours

    Application of statistical techniques to research in education; the development of skills in interpreting statistical concepts. Analysis of variance and covariance, multiple comparisons, non-parametric statistics and multiple correlation.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5210  or equivalent.

    Required of all doctoral candidates in education.
  • EPSY 6011 - Institutional Data Analysis and Evaluation

    3 hours

    Primary emphasis on the use of commonly available  K–12 and Higher Education data for policy, administration and instructional decision-making. Exposure to data organization, preparation, examination of variables (distributional assumptions and missingness), identification of evaluation questions that can be answered from institutional data, analysis, interpretation and reporting.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6010 

  • EPSY 6020 - Research Methods in Education

    3 hours

    Introduction to quantitative (survey, experimental design, correlation, causal-comparative, evaluation) and qualitative (case study, observation, action, participant-observation, historical, ethnograph, phenomenology) research methods used in conducting educational research.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6010 .

  • EPSY 6030 - Practicum, Field Problem or Internship

    3–6 hours

    Mentored professional activities in educational psychology or special education, including consultation, clinical intervention or conducting research.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    May be repeated for credit.
  • EPSY 6040 - Foundations of Educational Psychology

    3 hours

    History of educational psychology, advanced philosophical and empirical foundations of learning, cognition, development, individual differences; applications to teaching and learning contexts.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5000 .

  • EPSY 6101 - Human Perception

    3 hours

    Critically examines sensory mechanisms and perceptual organization in human learning processes. Explores theoretical constructs associated with recognizing, identifying and acting on naturally occurring environmental stimuli and perceptional displays created for educational purposes.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5000 .

  • EPSY 6102 - Human Motivation

    3 hours

    Theoretical, historical and empirical study of human motivation. Implications of motivation on the learning process and in educational environments.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5000 

  • EPSY 6103 - Cognitive and Language Development

    3 hours

    Comprehensive developmental sequence of cognitive development and language acquisition from birth through adulthood, focusing on theories and research related to cognitive, perceptual and language development, as well as relationships between language and thought.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 6110 - Individual Difference, Creativity and Problem Solving

    3 hours

    Focus on how to teach and instruct from examining theories, models, and research of creativity and problem solving and their applications to the development of individuals. Individual differences that result from an interaction among personality, creativity and ecological factors are related to the design of learning environments that meet the changing abilities and needs of learners.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 6113 - Application of Developmental Theories in Research

    3 hours

    Scholarly application of theory to research regarding growth and change across the lifespan, including an ecological perspective. A review of socio-historical influences on theory development as well as practical issues associated with operationalization of theories and their use in professional and research settings.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 6120 - Foundations of Program Evaluation

    3 hours

    Provides the theoretical and methodological foundations of program evaluation, as well as the basic applications and hands-on experiences tailored to students’ academic and professional needs toward evidence-based practices. Aligned with the American Evaluation Association’s guiding principles and best practices addressing applied evaluation topics for needs assessment to data collection and analysis, interpretation and making inferences, quality audits, and policy/practice recommendations. Use of program evaluation for educational as well as social policy and planning, and the latest thoughts in engaging stakeholders in the evaluation process are discussed. Students develop and present a program evaluation project in their own area of expertise and/or professional interest.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5050  or EPSY 6020 .

  • EPSY 6122 - Single-Subject Research Methodology

    3 hours

    Addresses single-subject research designs, procedures for documenting experimental control, measurement of the fidelity of intervention and evaluation of effective size. Includes the language and terminology of single-subject (observational) research methods, key issues related to designing effective experimental interventions, and developing a high-quality research proposal utilizing single-subject research methodologies in applied settings.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6010  and EPSY 6020 .

  • EPSY 6153 - Social-Emotional Development

    3 hours

    Comprehensive developmental sequence of social and emotional development from birth through adulthood. Focuses on both theory and research pertaining to the development, expression, and regulation of emotions as well as intra- and interpersonal issues of social development.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5123 .

  • EPSY 6163 - Diversity in Individuals, Families and Schools

    3 hours

    Effects of cultural, ethnic, gender, linguistic, religious and developmental differences on teaching, learning, development, and adjustment of children and families. Educational, psychological, attitudinal, social, legal and political issues in diversity. Necessity of attention to diversity and acculturation within educational and social organizations.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 6182 - Advanced Seminar in Bilingual Psychoeducational Assessment

    3 hours

    Clinical opportunities to practice best known strategies in conducting appropriate psychoeducational assessment of emotional and cognitive problems, achievement, and aptitude among individuals from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Practitioners plan appropriate clinical and educational intervention strategies to facilitate the success and well-being of individuals in mainstream work settings.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5350  and consent of department.

  • EPSY 6210 - Multiple Regression Analysis and Related Methods

    3 hours

    Introduction to and application of multiple regression and related methods to analysis of data from correlational and experimental studies in education and related disciplines. Topics include introduction to the general linear model, simple and multiple linear regressional analysis, data inspection and transformation, non-linear regression, trend analysis, cross validation procedures and utilization of statistical software for conducting regression analyses.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6010  or equivalent.

  • EPSY 6220 - Advanced Testing and Measurement

    3 hours

    History of testing and assessment as related to education and psychology, standards for educational and psychological testing, and conceptualization of constructs and latent variables. Classical Test Theory, including procedures for item analysis, estimating reliability and validity in the construction of norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests. Generalizability theory, including multiple sources of measurement error in simple and higher order designs for both G- and D-studies

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6010  or equivalent.

  • EPSY 6230 - Theory and Application of Hierarchical Linear Modeling

    3 hours

    Introduces the theory and application of hierarchical linear models, how to use hierarchical linear models (HLMs) to answer research questions for cross-sectional and longitudinal data. Hierarchical linear models are linear multiple regression models typically used with data that violate the assumption of independent observations. HLM appropriately handles the violation, and also provides the tools for testing hypotheses in research designs with multilevel data structure.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6210  or equivalent as approved by the department.

  • EPSY 6240 - Technology in Research

    3 hours

    Use of data analysis in the planning and implementation of research projects in the disciplines of educational psychology. Emphasis on statistical packages, organization and collection of data, computing hardware and software, and various data display and reporting techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6010 , EPSY 6020 .

  • EPSY 6250 - Item Response Theory

    3 hours

    The Common Factor model of measurement and latent variables with IRT concepts, models, and assumptions. Item and trait/ability parameter estimation with Rasch, 2, and 3 parameter dichotomous models, and polytomous IRT models. Test reliability, development, equating, bias (DIF), computer adaptive testing, and multidimensional models.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5350  or EPSY 6220  or equivalent.

  • EPSY 6260 - Advanced Seminar in Educational Psychology and Special Education

    3 hours

    Study and discussion of advanced issues in educational psychology and/or special education, including the contemporary theoretical, empirical and policy problems; designing advanced research projects to address complex issues in teaching, learning, and special needs of individual learners.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6040 .

  • EPSY 6270 - Structural Equation Modeling

    3 hours

    Multiple regression, path analysis and factor analysis methods are reviewed. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approaches using AMOS, EQS, LISREL, MPLUS and other personal computer application software are presented. The basic SEM approaches include path models, factor models, interaction models, MIMIC models, multi-level models, latent growth curve models and multiple group models.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6290  or equivalent multivariate statistics course.

  • EPSY 6280 - Qualitative Research in Education

    3 hours

    Focus on the knowledge and skill necessary for naturalistic research; observation, interviewing and other data collection procedures, as well as data retrieval, analysis techniques and reporting procedures.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 5050  or EPSY 6020 .

  • EPSY 6285 - Qualitative Data Analysis in Education

    3 hours

    Data collection, analysis and interpretation using qualitative methodology such as participant observation and interviewing for data gathering; constant comparative/grounded theory and modified analytic induction for data analysis. Use of computer software programs for qualitative data analysis. Students will complete a qualitative study consisting of at least 45 hours of field work during the term/semester.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6280  and EPSY 6020 .

  • EPSY 6290 - Multivariate Statistics in Education

    3 hours

    History of multivariate statistics, univariate vs. multivariate statistics, matrix algebra, multivariate analysis of variance, canonical correlation, discriminant analysis and multivariate analysis of contingency tables.

    Prerequisite(s): EPSY 6210 .

  • EPSY 6313 - Application of Family Theory in Research

    3 hours

    Reviews classic and contemporary family theories and current family trends focusing on the scholarly application of these theories in scientific research on families. Specific attention is paid to theory building and current research employing these theoretical perspectives.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 6323 - Critical Issues in Human Development and Family Studies

    3 hours

    Study of a current issue related to human development and/or families. Issues vary and include implications for research, programs and/or policies.

    Prerequisite(s): None.


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