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    Sep 22, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course descriptions

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  • ECON 3550 - Intermediate Micro-Theory

    3 hours

    Demand and supply analysis, consumer choice theory, production and cost theory and market equilibrium under different market structures.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1100  with a grade of A or B; MATH 1190  or MATH 1710 , with a grade of C or better.

  • ECON 3560 - Intermediate Macro-Theory

    3 hours

    Factors affecting income level, employment and output; national income concepts and measurements; application of economic policy to current problems.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1100  and ECON 1110  with a grade of A or B.

  • ECON 3996 - Honors College Mentored Research Experience

    3 hours

    Research experience conducted by an honors student with at least junior standing under the supervision of a faculty member.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Honors College; at least junior class status; consent of Honors College dean. 

    May only be taken once for Honors College credit.

  • ECON 4020 - Money and Financial Institutions

    3 hours

    Nature and functions of money; modern banking institutions and central banks; credit control and monetary stabilization.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1100 , ECON 1110 .

  • ECON 4030 - Economic Cycles and Forecasting

    3 hours

    Historical survey of economic cycles, theories and stabilization policies. Analysis of major economic aggregates involved in cycle turning points for economic expansion and contraction.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1100  and ECON 1110  or consent of department.

    May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5080.

  • ECON 4100 - Comparative Economic Systems

    3 hours

    Examination of the theoretical foundations, structure and performance of various economies of the world. Theoretical coverage emphasizes decision making, price systems, planning, information and motivation, rather than an ideological approach. Topics of modern capitalism are covered as well as the non-Western economies of the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1100  or ECON 1110  or consent of department.

    May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5070.

  • ECON 4140 - Managerial Economics

    3 hours

    Integrates microeconomic theory with accounting, finance, marketing and production management. Demand and cost estimation and forecasting; pricing; business strategy; case studies.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 3550  and MATH 1190 .

    May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5140.

  • ECON 4150 - Public Economics

    3 hours

    Analysis of theoretical foundations, structure and performance of the public sector. Includes issues of public choice theory, market failures, taxing, spending, borrowing and subsidies.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 3550 .

    May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5150.

  • ECON 4180 - The Economics of Health Care

    3 hours

    Application of economic theory and analysis to the financing and delivery of medical care. Emphasis on the use of economic concepts to understand health care markets and public policy issues.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 3550 .

    May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5180.

  • ECON 4250 - Current Economic Seminar: Topics

    3 hours

    Individually or team-taught courses that explore a current economic issue in depth. Topics may include (but are not limited to) economic issues of particular regions of the world, contemporary domestic economic policy issues and economic applications in new and interesting industries.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1100 , ECON 1110 , ECON 3550 .

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary, for a maximum of 9 hours. May be used for duplication only when the topic is the same.

  • ECON 4290 - Labor Economics

    3 hours

    Unemployment, industrial injuries, industrial old age, ill health and substandard employment; remedial program evaluation.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 3550 .

  • ECON 4420 - Open Economy Macroeconomics

    3 hours

    Macroeconomic policy options and impacts in the open economy; international monetary reforms; examinations of the impact of balance of payments adjustments under different monetary systems; role of foreign investment in economic growth.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 3560 .

    May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5420. Usually offered in spring.

  • ECON 4440 - Economics of Natural Resources and Environment

    3 hours

    Natural resource management and use: problems of renewable and non-renewable resources, including scarcity and market responses, role of property rights, externalities, benefit-cost analysis and energy policy with emphasis on Texas, analysis of environmental problems and policy formulation.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1100  or consent of department.

    May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5440.

  • ECON 4450 - Strategic Behavior Across Market Structures

    3 hours

    Examines the role of market structure on firm behavior, including profit maximization through strategic behavior. Additional topics addressed include the role of regulatory agencies and governments in markets, and non-price issues (such as social and environmental concerns). Empirical and theoretical models as well as case studies are used to analyze firm interactions within market structures.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 3550 .

  • ECON 4460 - Industrial Organization and Public Policy

    3 hours

    Emphasizes relationships between structure, conduct and performance of industries. Topics include concentration, barriers to entry, pricing, mergers, product differentiation, technical change, antitrust and regulation. Case studies of selected American industries illustrate theory and public policy.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 3550  and MATH 1190 .

    May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5460.

  • ECON 4500 - The Economics of Sports

    3 hours

    Examination of public policy questions about professional and college sports using economic models of sports industries. Topics include theory of the firm, the organization of sports and entertainment industries, sports labor markets, racial discrimination and pricing schemes specific to sports markets.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 3550 .

  • ECON 4510 - History of Economic Thought

    3 hours

    Economic thought since the Middle Ages.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1100 -ECON 1110 .

    May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5090.

  • ECON 4550 - Law and Economics

    3 hours

    Introduction to the mutual interaction between legal systems and economic activity. Topics include an introduction to legal systems and institutions, legal analysis, application of economic concepts to various legal doctrines, contracts, torts, criminal law, constitutional law, regulation and antitrust. Emphasis is placed on using economic theory to develop and test hypotheses regarding the effects of laws on incentives and economic behavior, the allocation of resources, and the distribution of income.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1100 .

  • ECON 4560 - Economic Damages in Litigation

    3 hours

    The growing role of economics in assessing damages in corporate litigation proceedings—typically termed forensic economics. Particular emphasis is given to case studies developed from recent industry activity in which students serve as the residing economic experts and are responsible for issuing an expert report setting forth their damages estimates and analyses.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 3550 , ECON 3560 , ECON 4630 .

  • ECON 4600 - Economic Development

    3 hours

    General analysis and survey of development theories, and problems and policies involved with those countries that have not yet attained the level of economic well-being and integration observed in the United States.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1100  and ECON 1110 , or consent of department.

    May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5700.

  • ECON 4630 - Research Methods for Economists

    3 hours

    Research methodology for business and the social sciences. Topics include descriptive statistics, basic probability theory, discrete and continuous probability distributions, hypothesis testing and introductory regression techniques. Emphasis is placed on economics applications. A lab experience provides students with real world experience with topics they are exposed to in the lectures. Designed to prepare economics students for econometrics course work.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1100 ; MATH 1100  or MATH 1180 .

    May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5630.

  • ECON 4650 - Urban Economics

    3 hours

    Uses economic analysis to understand the development of cities and regions and how economic activity in the areas is organized. Explores the economics of transportation and urban problems such as poverty, segregation, crime and congestion.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 3550 .

    May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5750.

  • ECON 4850 - International Trade

    3 hours

    Examines the nature and theoretical foundations of modern trade between nations. Topics include patterns of international trade and production, welfare implications of trade, impacts of tariffs and quotas, balance of trade and balance of payments issues. Analysis of trade implications of international monetary systems, multinational corporations, exchange rates and economic implications of political action.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1100  and ECON 1110 , or consent of department.

    May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5850.

  • ECON 4855 - U.S.-Mexico Economic Relations

    3 hours

    Examines the vital economic relationship between the U.S. and Mexico with a particular emphasis on the Texas-Mexico relationship. Among the topics covered are goods and services trade, migration, remittances, border economy, contraband (including drugs), environmental issues and the North American Free Trade Agreement.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1100  or ECON 1110  or consent of department.

  • ECON 4870 - Introduction to Econometrics

    3 hours

    Focus on simple and multiple regression using ordinary least squares (OLS). Topics include linear and intrinsically linear regression models; estimation under ideal and non-ideal conditions; linear hypothesis testing; multicollinearity and models with dummy variables.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 4630  or MATH 3680  or DSCI 3710 MATH 1190  or MATH 1710 .

    Usually offered fall and spring semesters. May not be repeated at the graduate level as ECON 5640.

  • ECON 4875 - Empirical Linear Modeling

    3 hours

    Develops the tools necessary to analyze, interpret and develop empirical applications of econometric estimation procedures. Exploration of an assortment of applied problems that are typically encountered in quantitative research with particular attention given to the examination of real-world, economic and other business-related phenomena. Particular attention is given to developing proficiency in the following four areas: organizing and manipulating data, estimating linear regression models, interpreting econometric results and computer output, and working with computer software.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 4870 .

  • ECON 4900 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • ECON 4910 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • ECON 4920 - Cooperative Education in Economics

    1–3 hours

    Supervised work in a job directly related to the student’s major, professional field of study or career objective.

    Prerequisite(s): 12 semester hours credit in economics; student must meet employer’s requirements and have consent of department chair.

    Pass/no pass only.

  • ECON 4951 - Honors College Capstone Thesis

    3 hours

    Major research project prepared by the student under the supervision of a faculty member and presented in standard thesis format. An oral defense is required of each student for successful completion of the thesis.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of at least 6 hours in honors courses; completion of at least 12 hours in the major department in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the department chair and the dean of the school or college in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the dean of the Honors College.

    May be substituted for HNRS 4000 . Course may be taken only once for Honors College credit.

Educational Foundations

  • EDUC 4800 - Studies in Education

    1–3 hours

    Organized classes for specific program needs and student interest.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    Limited-offering basis. May be repeated for credit.

  • EDUC 4900 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDUC 4910 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Prerequisite(s): None.

Educational Psychology

  • EPSY 3000 - Foundations of Educational Psychology

    3 hours

    Provides an overview of psychological principles as applied to teaching and learning. Topics include learning theories, self-perception, motivation, development and assessment.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EPSY 3013 - Reading and Understanding Research

    3 hours

    Students learn how to identify and critique elements of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research designs as well as recognize and interpret basic measurements and statistics commonly reported in educational and psychological research.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing; or consent of department.

Electrical Engineering

  • EENG 1910 - Project I: Learning to Learn

    3 hours (2;2)

    Learning to Learn (L2L) is based on sound cognitive and pedagogical techniques that improve learning outcomes and make lifelong learning habitual. Students develop an understanding of how engineering is learned and how they can facilitate and develop the lifelong learning process, both individually and in teams. Topics covered include consciousness and self-awareness, knowledge representation, cognition, learning styles, memory, language, reading, effective verbal and written communication, project-based learning, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity, design process, globalization and contemporary issues, professionalism, and ethics.

    Prerequisite(s): Electrical engineering major or pre-major status.

    Core Category: Component Area Option
  • EENG 1920 - Project II: Introduction to Electrical Engineering

    3 hours (2;2)

    Provides students the foundation necessary for the successful execution of electrical engineering design projects. The design process embodies the steps required to take an idea from concept to successful design. These steps include the requirements specification, architectural model, concept generation and evaluation, feasibility study, functional decomposition, design, testing, an overview of ethical and legal issues, and maintenance. Technical design tools such as MATLAB, VHDL and Spice software, critical to designing a project, are introduced. Small projects using these design tools are implemented. A final project requires team work, an oral presentation and a written project report.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1710 , EENG 1910 .

  • EENG 2610 - Circuit Analysis

    3 hours

    Introduction to electrical elements, sources and interconnects. Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s law, superposition and Thevenin’s theorems are introduced. The resistive circuit, OP Amp, RL, RC circuits, Sinusoidal analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1720 .

    Corequisite(s): PHYS 2220 /PHYS 2240 .

    Same as ENGR 2405 .

  • EENG 2620 - Signals and Systems

    3 hours

    Elementary concepts of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, impulse response, convolution, Fourier series, Fourier transforms and frequency-domain analysis of LTI systems. Laplace transforms, z-transforms and rational function descriptions of LTI systems.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 2610 .

    Corequisite(s): MATH 2730  or MATH 3410 .

  • EENG 2710 - Digital Logic Design

    3 hours

    History and overview; switching theory; combinational logic circuits; modular design of combinational circuits; memory elements; sequential logic circuits; digital system design; fault models and testing.

    Prerequisite(s): Engineering or engineering technology majors.

  • EENG 2900 - Special Problems

    1–3 hours

    Individualized instruction in theoretical or experimental problems in electrical engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    May be repeated for credit. For elective credit only.

  • EENG 2910 - Project III: Digital System Design

    3 hours (2;2)

    Digital system design projects that provide students substantial experience in logic analysis, design, logic synthesis in VHDL, and testing. Project documentation including all the phases of project cycle from requirement analysis to testing as well as a project presentation providing the students an opportunity to enhance their communication and presentation skills, are essential components of this course. Instructor may choose to include a mini-project for breadboard implementation with discrete components as a part of this course.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 2710 .

  • EENG 2920 - Project IV: Analog Circuit Design

    3 hours (2;2)

    Students learn to use basic electrical engineering lab equipment, to build and test simple circuits in the lab and to design and analyze circuits using CAD software tools. Includes simulation and design experiments and a final comprehensive design project to complement the circuit analysis course.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 1920 , EENG 2610 .

  • EENG 2996 - Honors College Mentored Research Experience

    3 hours

    Research experience conducted by a freshman or sophomore honors student under the supervision of a faculty member.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Honors College; freshman or sophomore class status; consent of Honors College dean.

    May only be taken once for Honors College credit.

  • EENG 3410 - Engineering Electromagnetics

    3 hours

    Electromagnetic theory as applied to electrical engineering: vector calculus; electrostatics and magnetostatics; Maxwell’s equations, including Poynting’s theorem and boundary conditions; uniform plane-wave propagation; transmission lines – TEM modes, including treatment of general, lossless line and pulse propagation; introduction to guided waves; introduction to radiation and scattering concepts.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 2610 , MATH 3410 .

  • EENG 3510 - Electronics I (Devices and Materials)

    3 hours

    Introduction to contemporary electronic devices, terminal characteristics of active semiconductor devices, and models of the BJT and MOSFET in cutoff and saturation region are introduced. Incremental and DC models of junction diodes, bipolar transistors (BJTs), and metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) are studied to design single and multistage amplifiers.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 2610 .

  • EENG 3520 - Electronics II

    3 hours

    Concepts, analysis and design of electronic circuits and systems are introduced. Topics include principle of DC biasing, small signal analysis, frequency response, feedback amplifiers, active filters, non-linear op-amp applications and oscillators.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 3510 .

  • EENG 3710 - Computer Organization

    3 hours

    Principles of computer system organization, instruction sets, computer arithmetic, data and control paths, memory hierarchies.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 1030 , EENG 2710 .

  • EENG 3810 - Communications Systems

    3 hours

    Introduction to the concepts of transmission of information via communication channels. Amplitude and angle modulation for the transmission of continuous-time signals. Analog-to-digital conversion and pulse code modulation. Transmission of digital data. Introduction to random signals and noise and their effects on communication. Optimum detection systems in the presence of noise.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 2620 , EENG 3510 . MATH 1780  or MATH 3680 .

  • EENG 3910 - Project V: DSP System Design

    3 hours (2;2)

    To study basic theory and applications of modern digital signal processing, to learn basic theory of real-time digital signal processing, and to develop ability to implement and simulate digital signal processing algorithms using MATLAB and on real-time DSP platform.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 2620 .

  • EENG 3920 - Project VI: Modern Communication System Design

    3 hours (2;2)

    Students are required to design electronic communication systems with electronic devices such as MOS transistors, capacitors and resistors. Topics include LC circuits and oscillators, AM modulation, SSB communications and FM modulation.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

    Corequisite(s): EENG 3520 .

  • EENG 3996 - Honors College Mentored Research Experience

    3 hours

    Research experience conducted by an honors student with at least junior standing under the supervision of a faculty member.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Honors College; at least junior class status; consent of Honors College dean.

    May only be taken once for Honors College credit.

  • EENG 4010 - Topics in Electrical Engineering

    3 hours

    Technical elective specifically designed by the instructor each term/semester to cover topics in the latest state-of-the-art technology advancements in electrical engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.

    May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Maximum total number of repeat hours allowed is 12 hours.

  • EENG 4310 - Advanced Topics in Control Systems Design

    3 hours

    Transform domain and state space representations of linear systems. System response, system stability, root locus method, frequency response-based design, and state space system analysis and design.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 2620 .

  • EENG 4330 - Environmental Systems

    3 hours

    Foundations and practice of modeling and simulation of ecological and environmental systems; temporal and spatial analysis; dynamical systems; and applications of engineering to environmental problems.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing.

  • EENG 4340 - Environmental Monitoring

    3 hours

    Fundamental course on sensors, instruments, and real-time systems to monitor environmental systems. Integration of sensors, instrumentation, informatics, and modeling into a cyber-infrastructure to monitor and forecast environmental changes.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing.

  • EENG 4350 - Renewable Electrical Power Systems

    3 hours

    Fundamental course on electrical power systems including efficient and renewable electrical power systems with relationships to environmental systems. Integration of renewable and alternative energy generation to electric power systems.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing.

  • EENG 4410 - Microwave Engineering

    3 hours

    Introductory course for microwave engineering. Gives a general description of the fundamental microwave circuits and components. Topics include basic electromagnetic wave propagations, RF/microwave transmission lines, Smith Chart, RF matching networks, and fabrication of RF/microwave circuits.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 3410 .

  • EENG 4710 - VLSI Design

    3 hours

    Introduction to VLSI design using CAD tools, CMOS logic, switch level modeling, circuit characterization, logic design in CMOS, systems design methods, test subsystem design, design examples, student design project.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 2710 , EENG 3510 .

  • EENG 4760 - Reconfigurable Computing

    3 hours

    Focuses on the fundamental architectural aspects of different reconfigurable devices including some of the commercially available FPGAs, and coarse-grained reconfigurable fabrics from academia and industry. Includes both a description of the architectures and discussion of pros and cons of these architectures for different applications and user needs, including the need for run-time reconfiguration. Also covers various low power reconfigurable devices.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 2710 .

  • EENG 4810 - Computer Networks

    3 hours

    History and overview of computer networks, protocols and network layers, application layer, socket programming, transport layer protocols and TCP, network layer protocols and IP, network routing, data link and physical layers, introduction to network security.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 3810 .

  • EENG 4850 - Computer Vision and Image Analysis

    3 hours

    Mathematical principles of computer vision and image analysis. Binary image processing with techniques of mathematical morphology, grey level image processing with various filters, color fundamentals and texture representation and recognition are discussed. Advanced topics such as content-based image retrieval, shape form X-techniques, 2D/3D object recognition and matching are also discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2700 , MATH 3680 .

  • EENG 4900 - Special Problems in Electrical Engineering

    1–3 hours

    Individualized instruction in theoretical or experimental problems in electrical engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    May be repeated for credit. For elective credit only.

  • EENG 4910 - Project VII: Senior Design I

    3 hours

    The senior design project course is a comprehensive electrical engineering design course providing major design experience. Students form teams of two to three members and work under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Identifying, formulating and solving an electrical engineering design problem of practical value under realistic design and implementation constraints by conforming to the engineering standards wherever appropriate. Development of an awareness of contemporary issues and professional ethics. Each project team is required to submit a proposal, present and submit a mid-term progress report, and present and submit a final report according to a prescribed project schedule.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 3810 , EENG 3910 , EENG 3920 .

  • EENG 4920 - Cooperative Education in Electrical Engineering

    1–3 hours

    Supervised field work in a job directly related to the student’s major field of study or career objective.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior- or senior-level standing in electrical engineering.

    May be repeated for credit.

  • EENG 4951 - Honors College Capstone Thesis

    3 hours

    Major research project prepared by the student under the supervision of a faculty member and presented in standard thesis format. An oral defense is required of each student for successful completion of the thesis.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of at least 6 hours in honors courses; completion of at least 12 hours in the major department in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the department chair and the dean of the school or college in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the dean of the Honors College.

    May be substituted for HNRS 4000 . Course may be taken only once for Honors College credit.

  • EENG 4990 - Project VIII: Senior Design II

    3 hours

    The senior design project course is a comprehensive electrical engineering design course providing major design experience. Students form teams of two to three members and work under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Identifying, formulating and solving an electrical engineering design problem of practical value under realistic design and implementation constraints by conforming to the engineering standards wherever appropriate. Development of an awareness of contemporary issues and professional ethics. Each project team is required to submit a proposal, present and submit a mid-term progress report, and present and submit a final report according to a prescribed project schedule.

    Prerequisite(s): EENG 4910 .

Electrical Engineering Technology

  • ELET 1720 - Introduction to Electronics

    3 hours (2;3)

    Survey of topics fundamental to the electronics industry. Introduction to the hardware and software tools used in industry. Emphasis is on experiential  learning through laboratory experiences. Open to anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of electricity, digital logic, and semiconductors.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1100 .

  • ELET 2740 - Special Electronic Devices

    4 hours (3;3)

    Electronic devices used in industrial applications. Topics include fundamentals of process control and instrumentation using electronic devices for: interfacing, sensing and control.

    Prerequisite(s): ELET 1720  and concurrent enrollment in MATH 1710 .

  • ELET 2900 - Special Problems

    1–4 hours

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • ELET 2996 - Honors College Mentored Research Experience

    3 hours

    Research experience conducted by a freshman or sophomore honors student under the supervision of a faculty member.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Honors College; freshman or sophomore class status; consent of Honors College dean.

    May only be taken once for Honors College credit.

  • ELET 3220 - Introduction to Power Systems Analysis

    3 hours

    Basic concepts of AC systems, single-phase and three-phase networks, electronic power generation, transformers, transmission lines, electric machinery, and the use of power.

    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2405 .

  • ELET 3700 - Advanced Circuit Analysis

    4 hours (3;3)

    Application of Laplace transforms and switching functions to the solution of complex electronic circuits and networks in both transient and steady state. Block diagrams and transfer functions are included as well as the use of computer solutions.

    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2405 .

  • ELET 3750 - Embedded C-Programming

    4 hours (3;3)

    C programming and applications for modern microcontroller architectures. Topics covered include C data types, arrays and pointers, data structures and their uses. Introduction to basic techniques of memory management and programming with dynamic data structures. Interrupt handling, multi-module programming including applications containing a mixture of C and assembly language modules, and techniques for manipulating hardware registers and special function registers.

    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2750 .

  • ELET 3760 - Design of DSP Systems

    4 hours (3;3)

    Introduction to digital signal processing, emphasizing digital audio applications. A DSP primer covering important topics such as phasors, the wave equation, sampling and quantizing, feedforward and feedback filters, periodic sound, transform methods, and filter design. The course will use intuitive and quantitative approaches to develop the mathematics critical to understanding DSP techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): ELET 3700 , ELET 3750 .

  • ELET 3980 - Digital Control of Industrial Processes

    3 hours (2;3)

    Introduction to and use of programmable logic controllers; topics include terminology, basic and advanced relay logic programming, and connection and control of input/output devices. Emphasis is placed on interfacing, operating and programming a wide range of industrial automation devices.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1650 .

  • ELET 3996 - Honors College Mentored Research Experience

    3 hours

    Research experience conducted by an honors student with at least junior standing under the supervision of a faculty member.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Honors College; at least junior class status; consent of Honors College dean.

    May only be taken once for Honors College credit.

  • ELET 4300 - Embedded System Organization

    3 hours

    Common architectures and instruction sets for embedded microcontrollers. Detailed study of the software/hardware components and interfaces in embedded systems. Applications of soft cores and custom programming interfaces to embedded system control with emphasis on Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation. Usage of a modern Hardware Description Language (HDL) such as Verilog or VHDL. This course practices ETEC OpenLab Format: at least 30% of the assignments are completed in the lab or at home using proper technology.

    Prerequisite(s): ELET 4340 .

  • ELET 4320 - Electronic Communications II

    3 hours

    Digital communication techniques, microwave techniques and systems; measurements in the UHF spectrum, transmission lines, Smith charts, satellite communications. This course practices ETEC OpenLab Format: at least 30% of the assignments are completed in the lab or at home using proper technology.

    Prerequisite(s): ELET 4710 .

  • ELET 4330 - Instrumentation System Design

    3 hours

    Design and implementation of computerized instrumentation systems for industrial processes using multiple sensors, interface electronics, data acquisition card, and GPIB and serial instruments. This course practices ETEC OpenLab Format: at least 30% of the assignments are completed in the lab or at home using proper technology.

    Prerequisite(s): ELET 3760 .

  • ELET 4340 - Digital Logic Design Techniques

    3 hours

    Study of modern digital circuit implementation technologies, with emphasis on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Traditional and computer-based digital synthesis techniques for combination and sequential circuits are covered. Complex systems, such as reaction timers, processors and buses, are built from simpler circuits. A modern hardware description language, such as Verilog or VHDL, is used throughout the course. This course practices ETEC OpenLab Format: at least 30% of the assignments are completed in the lab or at home using proper technology.

    Prerequisite(s): ELET 3750 .

  • ELET 4710 - Electronic Communications I

    4 hours (3;3)

    Receiver and transmitter circuits and systems; antennas, modulation, detection, high frequency oscillators and tuned amplifiers.

    Prerequisite(s): ELET 3700 , ELET 3740 .

  • ELET 4720 - Control Systems

    3 hours

    Classical control theory; block diagrams, applications of Laplace transforms, stability criteria and feedback. Use of computer software to evaluate complex systems. This course practices ETEC OpenLab Format: at least 30% of the assignments are completed in the lab or at home using proper technology.

    Prerequisite(s): ELET 3760 .

  • ELET 4780 - Senior Design I

    1 hour

    Project teams specify, plan and design a product or process. Written documentation required. Projects to be supplied by local industry whenever possible.

    Prerequisite(s): ELET 3760 . Senior standing.

  • ELET 4790 - Senior Design II

    3 hours (2;3)

    Implement, test and demonstrate a product or process. Oral and written documentation required. Projects to be supplied by local industry whenever possible.

    Prerequisite(s): ELET 4780 .

  • ELET 4900 - Special Problems

    1–4 hours

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • ELET 4910 - Special Problems

    1–4 hours

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • ELET 4920 - Cooperative Education

    1 hour

    A supervised industrial internship requiring a minimum of 150 hours of work per experience.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.

    May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 3 semester credit hours.

  • ELET 4951 - Honors College Capstone Thesis

    3 hours

    Major research project prepared by the student under the supervision of a faculty member and presented in standard thesis format. An oral defense is required of each student for successful completion of the thesis.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of at least 6 hours in honors courses; completion of at least 12 hours in the major department in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the department chair and the dean of the school or college in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the dean of the Honors College.

    May be substituted for HNRS 4000 . Course may be taken only once for Honors College credit.

Elementary Education

  • EDEE 2000 - Exploring Diversity Through Social Action

    3 hours (3;0;45)

    Exploration of issues related to race and ethnicity, gender, social class, learning differences, and sexual orientation as they impact education in the U.S. Required for students seeking grades 4–8 teacher certification.

    Prerequisite(s): None.

  • EDEE 2996 - Honors College Mentored Research Experience

    3 hours

    Research experience conducted by a freshman or sophomore honors student under the supervision of a faculty member.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Honors College; freshman or sophomore class status; consent of Honors College dean.

    May only be taken once for Honors College credit.

  • EDEE 3320 - Foundations of Education: The School Curriculum

    3 hours

    Principles and foundations of curriculum for grades EC–8 in public schools. Includes the study of professional ethics/responsibilities, educational philosophies, the history of American education, schools and society, school and community/parent relationships, legal/political control and financial support, school/classroom organizational patterns, and curriculum development/alignment.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teacher education program (includes participation in a field-based program), a child/adolescent/lifespan development course, and an educational-application computer course.

  • EDEE 3380 - Teaching and Learning in Grades EC–6

    3 hours

    Effective teaching practices through reflective decision making in grades EC–6. Includes the fundamental teaching skills of planning for instruction, implementing appropriate teaching strategies, integrating the curriculum, integrating technology into teaching, grouping children for instruction, acquiring appropriate materials/resources, assessing student learning, and establishing and maintaining a safe and effective learning environment.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teacher education program (includes participation in a field-based program), with a child/adolescent/lifespan development course, and an educational-application computer course.

  • EDEE 4101 - Student Teaching in EC through Grade 6

    3 hours

    Teaching under supervision in EC through grade 6.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to teacher education; all program course work with the exception of (a) student teaching; (b) EDEE 4890  and (c) EDSP 4350  (as required for EC-6 Generalist Certification).

    Required for those seeking EC–6 certification. See Student Teaching Program for details. Pass/no pass only.

  • EDEE 4102 - Student Teaching in EC through Grade 6

    3 hours

    Teaching under supervision in EC through grade 6.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to teacher education; all program course work with the exception of (a) student teaching; (b) EDEE 4890  and (c) EDSP 4350  (as required for EC-6 Generalist certification).

    Required for those seeking EC–6 certification. See Student Teaching Program for details. Pass/no pass only.

  • EDEE 4330 - Sciences in Grades EC–6

    3 hours (3;0;16)

    Subject matter background and material organization for an integrated science program in primary and elementary school. Students experience firsthand the scope and sequence of science education. Assignments, directed field experience and other class activities take place on site in an EC–6 school setting.

    Prerequisite(s): EDEE 3320 , EDEE 3380 . Admission to the teacher education program, which includes participation in a field-based program; all courses in the reading/English/language arts part of the academic major; required core and academic major science courses and DFST classes.

  • EDEE 4340 - Social Studies in Grades EC–6

    3 hours (3;0;16)

    Principles of teaching social studies in the primary and elementary school. Students observe social studies instruction and materials in real settings, apply principles of social studies instruction in classroom settings and experience first-hand the scope and sequence of the curriculum in a school setting. Assignments, directed field experience and other class activities take place in grades EC–6.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teacher education program, which includes participation in a field-based program, EDEE 3320 , EDEE 3380 ; all courses in the reading/English/language arts part of the academic major; required core and academic major social studies courses and DFST classes.

  • EDEE 4350 - Mathematics in Grades EC–8

    3 hours (3;0;16)

    Principles in mathematics teaching and learning based on national curriculum and assessment standards. The learning process in the development of mathematical thinking and skills in children. Students observe mathematics instruction and materials in real settings and experience firsthand the scope and sequence of mathematics in a primary/elementary/middle school setting. Assignments, directed field experience and other class activities take place on site in a school setting.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teacher education program, which includes participation in a field-based program, EDEE 3320 , EDEE 3380 ; all courses in the reading/English/language arts part of the academic major; required core and academic major math courses and DFST classes.

  • EDEE 4800 - Studies in Education

    1–3 hours

    Organized classes for specific program needs and student interest.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to teacher education and consent of department. Limited-offering basis.

    May be repeated for credit.

  • EDEE 4810 - Studies in Education

    1–3 hours

    Organized classes for specific program needs and student interest.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to teacher education and consent of department. Limited-offering basis.

    May be repeated for credit.


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